Chapter 1

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With a fake smile plastered across my face, I take a seat next to my mother. "Ava dear, you remember Marcus and Sebastion?" How could I not forget them? I have known them my whole damn life. In this moment I wanted to roll my eyes but reframed from doing so.

"Hello again" I say sweetly.

"How is school going for you Ava? Aren't you coming up on the end of your senior year?" Marcus asked folding his hands leaning back into the chair he was seated in.

"Yes sir, only have four months left of the school year."

Marcus grinned at me, the way he smiled made me sick. Marcus was secretly well known as a pervert in the office, everyone saw it, but no one openly talked about it. "What are your plans after high school?"

"She's going to follow her parents' and siblings' footsteps and attend Princeton University" My mother interjects before I could answer. Little does she know, I have no plan on going to college, let alone an Ivy league college.

"How wonderful!" Sebastion chimes in with a wide smile. 

I liked Sebastion the most out of all of the board members. He was quiet and mainly kept to himself, but we always seemed to have great conversations about a million different things whenever we were in the same room together.

"I'm guessing you are going to be a business major just like your parents as well then?" Sebastion continued

I look at my mother who gave me a studdle nudge with her foot. "Yes, I am sir" I give a tight-lipped smile back.


The trio go back to discussing whatever it was they had been speaking about before I interrupted, giving me some peace for only a moment. I looked around the room, people watching. I knew every single person in this room. First name and last, what position or title they held and all details about their families. I had to learn about them all since I will be joining my parent's company once I'm graduated from college, or at least that's what my parents think I am going to be doing.

"Excuse me" I nod at the three "Going to find something to drink" I smile while getting up and walking towards the kitchen.

Walking through the living room, giving a small greeting to everyone as I pass. I finally find myself in the large cream-colored kitchen. There weren't many people in here, mainly the kitchen staff throwing together tonight's dinner.

"Hello Miss. Ava" Clara smiled at me pushing a bowl of grapes in my direction. 

"Thank you, Clara," I smile widely at the sixty-five-year-old woman. This woman pretty much raised my sister and I since my parents were so busy with running their company and what not. I give the old woman a kiss on the cheek. "May I get a glass of water as well please?"

"Of course!" I watch as she gets a cup and fills it with eyes and water from a pitcher on the far counter

"I don't understand why I need to attend these things Clara, I hardly speak with anyone" I sigh while munching on my grapes. 

"Because it looks good on your family for everyone to see the happy family together. And to show who will run the company someday." She gave me a sad smile knowing what it's like growing up the way I did, she watches everything. 

She knowns the time's my parents were late or never even bothered to show up to any school functions or sports games for my siblings and me. My parents were always to focused to making business deals and having meetings or whatever it is they actually do. I don't actually understand a lot that they do, that's what my brother is for. Zack is going to run the company one day, not me, so I never bothered to pay attention.

"You know that I don't plan on sticking around, I won't be attending college or joining the company." I look down at the grapes and glare as if they are the ones controlling my life.

"Yes, honey I know; you want to open a boxing studio or whatever. However, your parents don't agree with those plans. As much as I love that you have a dream. Martha and Robert just want to make sure you have a secure future." I rest her hands on top of mine with a soft tone.

"I know that" I look up at her with a sad smile.

"You better get back to the party before your parents start thinking you snuck away from the party."

"Yeah" I sigh straightening my back "Thank you Clara"

"Of course," she nods as I make my way out of the kitchen and back into the packed living room.

For the next hour I walk around saying hi and engaging in small talk with everyone. As I'm talking with Mr. and Mrs. Smith, I zone out from what they are saying and look around at everyone in attendance. I freeze when I see three people I have never seen before in my life.

A tall woman with pen straight dirty blonde hair has her arms wrapped around a slightly taller dark-haired man. They are speaking with my parents, brother, and twin sister; everyone is laughing about something. Except the dark-haired boy standing slightly off to the side. He was just as tall as his father, but much younger, probably around my age. 

"I apologize to cut our conversation short" I smile at the smiths apologetically "My parents are beckoning me over to them"

"Oh no worries honey" Mrs. Smith smiles

"We'll speak to you later" Mr. Smith nods before walking off.

Honestly, I could go a whole year without having to speak to them and how they are trying to start a family. I walk quickly towards the group slowing my pace as I get closer. "Hello" I say coming to a stop next to my father. 

"Ava dear!" my mother says excitedly "There you are, I was just looking for you"

"I was speaking with Mr. and Mrs. Smith" I respond shortly

"Never mind that, please meet the Gray's. Julie, Eathan and their son Lucas" My mother motions to the family "We are discussing about a partnership with their company" She gleefully says

"Indeed" Julie's smile widens

"How nice to meet you all" I shake Julie and Eathan's hands, stopping short when their son, Lucas doesn't move his hands from his pockets. I slowly take my hand back maintaining eye contact.

I break it first as my father chuckles at something Eathan says. I could still feel his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head. I try my absolute best to ignore it.


Chapter 2! I'm trying to upload a chapter every day. Tell me how you are liking the book so far....

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