Prom Queen

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Ugh... Prom. It's finally come to that time where everyone worries and fussed about buying dresses, finding dates and all that jazz. Or if you're like me, you don't care.

"Prom is, like, our Oscars. It's seriously, like, the most important night of our lives." Quinn exaggerated.
"What about getting married?" Lauren asked her.
"Oh, you can get married as many times as you want. You only have one shot at your junior prom." She replied.
Mercedes walked into the room and asked, "What are you guys talking about?"
"Prom dresses."
"Thank God I don't have to worry about that. I'm not going." She answered crossing her arms.
"Why not?"
"Cause nobody's asked me."

"All right, guys, prom." Mr Schue wrote on the board.
"Please tell me we're not doing songs about prom." Sam frowned.
"Nope. We are the prom. Figgins has asked us to perform." Guess I have to go now. Ugh.
Rachel suggested, "Let's do Run, Joey, Run."
"Now, I know this isn't ideal with Nationals coming up, but we really don't have a choice. And we could really use the money. But I know that prom is a special rite of passage. I'm gonna make sure that all of you guys get a chance to enjoy the dance, too. So, we're gonna stagger the performances so that each and every one of you has a lot of time to dance with your dates."

"Excuse me." Mercedes quickly left the room.
"Is she okay?" Mr Schue wondered.
"Mercedes doesn't have a date for prom." I told him.
"So? I don't have a date. I'm just going to dance, and then all your dates are gonna ignore you and come dance with me, so your dates are really my dates." Brittany smiled.
"I'm gonna go talk to Mercedes." Kurt went to get up but I stopped him.
"No. Let me."

I left the choir room to find her. "Hey, look I know you're bummed about not having a date but before today I wasn't even going. If it makes you feel any better, I don't have a date."
"But you'll just end up going with Sam." She stated. "You know, I know that I talk a good game about not needing a man, and I don't. I just really wanted to take a date to the prom. I want the dress and the guy and the damn corsage."
"Somebody still may ask you." I tried to lift her hopes.
"It's this Saturday. You know I just wanted to be Cinderella just for one night. One night where a guy would look at me under those corny crepe paper streamers and say 'You
look so beautiful.' And then he'd grab my hand and ask me to dance. Isn't that what prom is supposed to be about?"

I thought for a second, "You're not gonna go to prom alone. You'll go with me and Sam because I have a plan and I'm willing to share my date with you."


Later that day we invited Sam to the auditorium to talk to him. "Mercedes and I, we have a proposition for you."
"We were wondering if you'd like to go to prom with us. Kind of like a three-way date, but not the dirty kind." Mercedes said.
"That sounds great, but I can't afford to take just Riley to the prom; I don't know how I'm gonna take two." Sam told us. "What's this?"
"Our prom budget." I said holding up the money.

"You're gonna have to borrow a suit from your dad, and we're gonna buy five-dollar dresses down at the Goodwill, and make our own corsages out of flowers from my mom's garden." Mercedes explained.
"And we can walk to prom and then use what's left to get the $8.99 all-you-can-eat pasta special at Breadstix." I smiled. "But, you know, the $20, it's not charity, it's a loan. And I told Mercedes that I'm willing to share you with her."
"So... you'll go with us?" Mercedes asked.

Sam smiled at the two of us, "It would be an honor."


"Ladies, I appreciate you welcoming me into the sacred inner sanctum that is the prom gown dry run."
"Why did we decide to include Kurt?" Santana asked from behind one of the curtains.
"Because getting a look past him is like getting a thumbs up from Joan and Melissa Rivers. It just might goose our pre-prom buzz factor." Tina explained.

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