Chapter 3

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I huff and flop onto the bed exhausted and smile at the warm walls surrounding me I shift on the bed and snuggle the blankets a little before I stand and walk downstairs to have dinner with my uncle "alright kid I'm gonna level with you I can't cook for shit so TAKEOUT!" he rather exuberantly yells 'its a good this isn't an apartment' i think then nod my head, he gets some local takeout which ends up being fried chicken and ramen bowls for someone such as the likes of me having 'foreign' food was quite a delight and it was super yummy too I didn't have any doubt my uncle would choose something great but this is next level!we finish dinner then throw the remaining trash away and sit on the couch to watch a bit of tv he flicks to a news channel and they were talking about the upcoming sports fest at U.A "This is bigger than the Olympics" one woman says "if you want to see some new upcoming heroes in action then the U.A sports fest is the best place to be" a male newscaster said proudly "so out of the seconds and third years who do you think we have to look out for?" the woman asks the man I tune out and Zashi turns to me "you'll have to come with me to the sports fest Shota and I are hosting this year for the first years, your year so maybe you'll learn something" I nod "sure sounds fun and ill get to see the kids before I'm introduced to a class huh?" he nods "we still don't know which class we will put you in so that's why we are going to see the principal during the week for your assessment test" I tilt my head and say "but I got in didn't I? why do I need a test?" he chuckles and said "it's just to see if you are better suited for a hero course or general those two are the most liekly but knowing you... youll end up in 1-A for sure"

'Class 1-A huh? guess ill have to watch the sports fest closely to see if I can match up to them' i get lost thinking until Zashi snaps his fingers in front of my face and I shake my head a bit startled "c'mon kid time for bed" I notice the tv off and him walking towards the bedrooms so I trail behind and do my nightly routine and curl up in my new bed, thanks to my insomnia I didn't fall asleep right away I just lay thinking about the class and that's when it dawned on me 'HOW AM I GOING TO TALK TO THEM?! I BARELY KNOW JAPANESE!' i bolt upright out of bed and storm into Zashi's room like a bat outta hell "UNCLE HOW WILL I TALK TO THEM DO THEY KNOW ENGLISH?! I CANT SPEAK THAT MUCH JAPANESE!" he's startled at my sudden appearance and loud voice but sighs and giggles "I knew there was something I was forgetting" he gets up and looks through his bag and tosses me a wrapped gift "now get to bed kid you gotta train tomorrow" he shoos me outta the door and I walk back to my room and sit in bed with the gift.curiosity got the better of me and I open it up on top was a card "Hey kiddo welcome home this may be useful for you - Uncle Zashi" I put the card aside and look at the gift it looked like a small electronic pen, the box said "pocket translator pro made by David Shield" I look at the manual to see how it works and decide to test it out I hold down the button "so I say something to it..... Hello my name is Ash" I release the button and it takes a second to translate but it speaks back in perfect Japanese what I had just said I smile and place it on the nightstand next to me with my phone and the table lamp, I click off the light and start to drift off to sleep.

I shift in my bed trying desperately to find a comfortable position to fall asleep in until the door suddenly burst open "GOOD MORNING KIDDO TIME TO GET UP AND SEIZE THE DAY!" uncle Hizashi used his quirk to amplify his voice to make sure there was no chance of me falling asleep again, I swear half the city could have heard him I sit up and glare at him then check the time on my phone it blinked a steady 5:30am "ZASHI WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WAKING ME UP AT 5 GOD DAMN 30?!" the morning started in a battle of our voices yelling back and forth at each other until one of the neighbors across the street opened their window and yelled into the darkness "WOULD YOU TWO GIVE IT UP ALREADY PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" then the slam of the window was heard I look at uncle Zashi and we both are thrown into a laughing fit.

he certainly did NOT wake up on the right side of the bed this morning "ok kid get dressed and come down for food I got some teaching to do at U.A for an hour so you can just hang out in the staff room or out on the field doing some training against robots" he waves his hand back at me and walks off to get breakfast started, I got up and did my normal routine and sit at the table with Hizashi, I look through the news on my phone and one article popped up about all might our great symbol of peace "hey uncle does all might teach at U.A?" I question him tilting my head "yep he just started this year actually he will be one of your teachers if you are lucky enough" he said so casually then stuffing his face with banana toast.15 mins later we are both in the car headed towards U.A this is it, the first glimpse of my future as a hero i feel the rising butterflies in my stomach as I look out the windows and see kids dotting the streets some in the same uniform and others in different ones "hey uncle do you think while you are teaching I can go sort out the office stuff on my own?" he thinks for a moment " don't see why not the principal already knows you are in japan anyway so sure go be an adult" he chuckles and pulls into a driveway that snaked a few buildings up to a central gleaming building that was covered in either windows or mirrors, with how immaculate they are shining I would have even said crystal the odd H shaped building stood at the central area with miles of other purpose-built training grounds and areas for all kinds of tests and quirks.

"WOW UNCLE THIS IS AMAZING!" I'm in awe at the majesty of it all Zashi hits my arm with the back of his hand "c'mon ill show you to the staffroom then to the principal ok?" I nod and hurry alongside him but before we actually get anywhere he stops to change into his hero outfit "pretty cool huh we gotta wear these just in case we get called out on hero work" he 'presents' himself and spins and I laugh at my own little joke but we get moving none the less, all the hallways and classes almost look alarmingly similar I was wondering if I'd ever find my own way around, I get a chill on my spine and look around only then I realize I'm the only one not in a U.A uniform.Feeling scared I tuck myself next to uncle Zashi as close as possible and follow him closely occasionally reaching out to grab a hold of his jacket with my thumb and index finger, uncle Hizashi opens a sliding door and walks in "GOOOOOODD MORNNNING EVERYONE!!" he says enthusiastically and loudly, some of the teachers jump at the sudden noise but one from the floor just groggily mumbles "shut up Hiza I tell you this every morning you are too loud" I pop my head past uncle and look at the man on the floor but all I see is a lumpy yellow log.I suddenly get yanked from my uncles' side and inspected by a teacher in a white skin tight bodysuit "AWWW HIZASHI~ i never knew you had such a pretty child!" the woman fawns over me and brushed my feathery black hair which made me groan and roll my vermilion shaded eyes and sent a pleading look to my uncle he takes my hand "Midnight this is my... uh nephew Ash hes from New Zealand but has come to live with me to study to become a hero" he places a proud hand on my shoulder and the woman steps back and admires the bot-certainly well he certianly is very delicate and feminine he would be good for undercover ops"

They continue to talk among themselves then the bell rang and the man from the yellow log crawled out and I could see him fully he looked scruffy and really tired and was covered in bandages but had an aura around him that screamed don't cross this line, he looked back and me and nods before leaving with his sleeping bag uncle Hizashi takes me to the principal's office and knocks swiftly a small high pitched "come in" sounded on the other side of the door, we walk in and at first I don't see anyone but I sit in a chair in front of the desk and my uncle takes the other one "good morning Nezu i have a special visitor for you" Zashi leans back as a set of round white furry ears pokes up on the other side of the desk then a full body. I study this little white creature carefully he's rather cute but a dog? cat? mouse? who knows but he looks like a stuffed animal in his little suit he raises a paw at me "Hello there Miss Yamada I am Principal Nezu!" he cheerfully greets me but I tense at the prefix to my name this doesn't go unnoticed by Nezu but he chose not to address it "ill leave you in the capable hands of our dear principal i have classes to teach, hang out till lunch in the staff room kiddo" and with that my loud mouth of an uncle has left me with the small animal.


Hey me again I hope you guys are enjoying so far :3 its an absolute joy to write this story <3

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