Chapter Six

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He didn't kiss me. But what came instead was so much better. He quietly led me back inside, past all the main rooms.

"Jake... where are your parents? And your brother?"

"Don't worry... my parents are in Vegas this week and my brother's sleeping at a friend's house."

Then, we reached the door at the end of the hallway. It had "JAKE" written in big letters. He opened it and stepped instead. I closed the door behind me. Then, incapable of restraining myself, locked it.

He didn't turn the lights on. But the curtain wasn't drawn, so some light still went through, despite the sun going down. I didn't give my parents a thought. I'd told them I was going to Josie's when I'd left for Jake's.

If I don't come home soon, they'll think I'm sleeping at Josie's house but my phone died from watching Tik Tok videos. So they'll call Josie. And she knows how to lie.

The weak light made it possible to see Jake. Which I was thankful for. Perhaps I'd die without seeing his face. Who knew?

He slipped his shirt off and threw it to the floor. Then, well, he just stood there. And I just stood... here. Staring at his bare chest as though I wanted to eat it.

Then he started walking toward me. Slowly. I swear, I was sweating just from looking at him. He took my waist and dragged me closer to him, my palms flat against his chest. He looked at me for a moment before whispering, "we won't if you don't want to."

If I don't want to. As If a girl would not want to have sex with him, ever.

"Of course I want you."

That was the first sentence I'd pronounced without stammering. I was mighty proud.

"Then we will."

I could tell he was pleased by my answer by how fast he undid his belt. He let his shorts fall. And then his boxers.

My body and brain froze. I was looking at Jake Collins... naked. Oh my God. I will admit, I wasn't disappointed.

Having an unbelievable raise of courage, I placed my hands on my hips and peeled off my clothes- starting with my skirt, my shirt, my socks, my bra, my panties. And he was looking at me naked. I assumed he was disappointed.

It was a ridiculous assumption, since the minute I was nude, he pushed me into his bed and climbed on top of me. I won't tell you what happened. You already know.

He pushed up on me. And it was painful. But I didn't want it to stop. I wanted to be crushed under his weight, I wanted to get pregnant, I wanted to stay right there.

"Jake?" I said suddenly, panting.


"You're hot naked."

I couldn't believe it. What is wrong with me?

He smiled. And then he kissed me.

The night was so natural. Who knows how long it lasted? It could have lasted only minutes. But it felt wonderful. We rolled on top of each other as if staying away would kill us. He kissed me so fiercely, as though he needed me. His hands rolled up and down my body, every time sending chills...

What if I get pregnant? Said a voice in my mind.

Then you'll keep the baby and be with Jake forever. Said another voice.

That sounds wonderful. Thank you for your quick answer. The first voice replied.

But it didn't last forever. Before I knew it, Jake was poking my shoulder and saying, "it's morning, sweetheart."

Sweetheart... never had he called me that before. I liked it. No... I loved it. I loved the sound of Jake, the hottest boy on Earth, calling me sweetheart. Soon, he could be calling me dear, and darling, and baby, and honey... I loved all the names Jake could call me.

I loved them all equally.


Maybe except for that one.


I opened my eyes. That's when I realized that they had been closed, and that we'd slept after making love. In the same bed. Naked. Thank God Josie wasn't there.

Jake was hovering over me, showing off his eyes.

"Won't your mother be worried?"

I closed my eyes again. "No. Just keep fucking me."

I believe he would have if I hadn't gasped and yelled a few moments later, "oh my goodness, you're right... my mother."

The word mother sounded strange in my washed head. Mother... mother... mother... oh yes. I see. The woman who carried me for nine months and had been taking care of me for seventeen years. The woman who would kill me if she saw me... uh...

I climbed out of the bed and quickly clothed myself, ignoring Jake's disappointed gaze. Before leaving, I quickly kissed him.

"I love you."

Then I ran out before I could hear his reply.

For all I knew, he hadn't replied anything.

For all I knew, the only reason he was loving me was for my physical.

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