When the Sun Rises

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If the sun rises without me
And if the rain begins to pour,
If I’m not there,
Don’t be in despair

Hearts will thunder
Whilst tears rain
You may be lost in wonder
Attempting to keep sane

If the sun rises without me
Remember that I loved you
Don’t let tears cloud you
Set your heart free

What we were will still continue to be
You don’t need to forget
But don’t be caged with depression
There is nothing worse than regret
That will only  lead to aggression

But if the sun rises
And I’m still by your side
Don’t neglect my surprises
And don’t set me aside

Be with me when the sky thunders
Stay by my side when the rain pours
Let’s be together and share these wonders
Together we’ll unlock these doors

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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