A Party of Our Own

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Zak's POV

We swam around in the water, riding down the current and splashing each other and laughing. I didn't normally get in the creek, but it was nice to feel the cool water and swim around like when I was younger. Darryl and I raced around in the wider area of the hole, and we floated around and talked.

"So what's it like being one of the stars in our town?" I asked.

"It's stressful. I don't really want to be a football player. My dad really likes football, and my brother was the quarterback, so it was customary to join the team. I love the friends that came with it though. Clay and George are awesome," Darryl said.

"Isn't it all bullshit though? I mean.. the glory of football in small towns. We ignore how shitty this place is to watch guys throw around a ball," I said.

"Hey language! Yeah I know, this is why I'm getting out of here one day," He said.

"Well you better bring me with you," I said and splashed him.

"So if I just showed up to your house, and asked you to pack your bags and come with me, you would?" He asked.

"I totally would... If I'm invited, but I'm not sure why you would want to invite me," I said.

Darryl splashed me and I splashed him back.

"So who's your friends?" Darryl asked me. "I see you hanging out with a lot of people at school, but who's your real buds?"

I thought for a moment. I only really hung out with one guy outside of school. I used to play with him when I lived at the trailer park. He still lived there, and he was a really good photographer. I wouldn't say we were close, but we definitely hung out together and were friendly with eachother.

"I guess Nick. He's like my childhood friend. I wouldn't say we're super close, but I've actually seen him outside of the lunch room," I said, "There's so many people who just hang out with you at lunch and don't see you anywhere else."

"Yeah that's definitely like most of the football team. I don't really hangout with any of them besides George and Clay,but it's nice you hang out with Sapnap," Darryl said and then quickly uttered oh shoot.

"Sapnap? What kind of name is that?" I asked.

"Well, I guess I have to tell you now. We assign names to everyone in the school, little code names. It's weird... I know. We almost know our code names more than people's actual names. It's so random too, no system. It's just something that happens," Darryl said.

"So Nick's code name is Sapnap.. What's mine?" I asked.

"You're... Skeppy. I think that's your code name," Darryl said.

"That's so weird of you guys," I laughed.

I swam around a bit more in the creek, circling Darryl a bit.

"Well, we all are a little weird," Darryl said.

"What's weird about you?" I asked, splashing gently.

"I can't..say. It's a secret!" Darryl said.

"Well one day you better tell me if we're going to be hanging out together at Red Hole. Red hole is the kingdom of secrets," I said.

"So we're hanging out together now?? Oo yay!" Darryl clapped and splashed me.

"Only if your football player in you can allow it!" I said.

I swam over to the rock and stepped out of the creek, laying down on the rock. I was tired of splashing around for now. Darryl swam over to me and got out as well, also laying down and facing the stars.

"The stars look so much better out here," He said.

"They do, I don't know why more people don't come here at night," I said.

"Well it's better to have a party of our own, right?" Darryl asked.

I didn't say much, just looked up at the stars and somehow actually drifted off to sleep, listening to the trees sway, the flowing water, and Darryl.

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