Wake Up Sleepyhead

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Zak's POV

"Wake up sleepyhead," Darryl said, shaking me awake.

I jumped in surprise. I was not used to being woken up, especially by a football player from my school that I barely knew. At first I thought I was in a weird dream until I remembered I was out by the creek on the rock with Darryl. The ground was hard and uncomfortable and the sun was warm. I groaned.

"Sorry for waking you up," Darryl said, "I know you don't sleep much but I figured I should in case you'd get in trouble. I need to get home myself, I have to get back before my mother wakes up and my father comes home from work," Darryl said.

I sat up on the rock blinking, "It's alright," I said.

"Tonight I realized a rock isn't the most comfortable bed," Darryl said.

"It is not my choice of a bed for sure.. My back is so stiff I feel like I can't get up."

"Here I'll help you."

Darryl held up his hand for me and I got lifted off of the rock by him.  I tried not to think about the fact he was holding onto my hand and winced in pain from my back. My back hurt from laying on that fucking rock. It was like my back became as stiff as the rock itself. I was now the rock. 

We walk up the hill from the rock slowly, trying not to slip back into the creek and being aware of our stiff backs.  We had to walk a mile down the road towards the parking spaces. There was no cars going down the road, and only the sounds of the birds and the winds through the trees were around us.  We could hear the current from the road roaring, and we could hear the ground crunching beneath our feet.

"I'm surprised you slept," Darryl said.

"Yeah that was the first time I really slept in a bit. It's not the most comfortable sleep though."

"Yeah, but I think just laying next to someone to the sound of rushing water and the cicadas whispering sleep dreams  and the birds chirping softly makes it easier to sleep, even if you're laying on a rock," Darryl said.

"Yeah, I guess so. "I said. "You're really descriptive."

"Yeah, I like to write poetry sometimes. No one really knows I do it though."

"You should show me your poetry!" I said.

"Oh please, that's embarrassing. I'm good at football, not poetry," Darryl laughed.

"Don't doubt yourself. You're amazing!" I said.

"Please, don't boost my ego," Darryl said.

We reached the parking lot section off the side of the road and we walked over to our cars.

"Well, meet me again here tonight? I really enjoyed our little party, "Darryl said.

If I didn't know any better I would think he was blushing right now as he said that.

"Yeah definitely. I had fun for sure. Strange night," I laughed.

He walked to his car and I opened the door to mine. I took the keys out from my pocket and inserted it into the keyhole.  As I turned they key I knew something was wrong.  The engine was weak and the car wasn't going to start.  I tried a few times and it still wasn't working.

Darryl noticed this and got out of his car to walk over to me. I rolled the window down and said that my car wasn't working. We both didn't even bother trying to look in the engine as we both did not have the level of knowledge of cars that was needed.

"I can give you a ride. My car is working fine," Darryl said.

I hesitantly nodded and got out of my car, grabbing my bag.  I locked the car and headed over to his truck.  I opened the passenger seat and sat down next to him. His car was a bit of a mess, but I wasn't going to judge.  He had bottles of soda on the ground empty and empty bags of McDonalds. He had pink dice hanging from his mirror and he had a little solar panel flower above the radio.   The car smelt like smoke, even though Darryl himself didn't smoke.   It must have been his football player teammates that he's gave rides to too. 

He opened one of his Smash Into Pieces CD and entered it into the CD player.  As we drove down the road, speeding of course, I found myself looking over at him and singing at the top of our lungs the song Ride With U.  We were horrible singers, but we didn't care.  He kept looking over at me with a strange, but happy look as we sang the song together. 

"I wanna take you for a ride," Darryl sang.

"You'll be Bonnie, I'll be Clyde!"  I sang back.

"Two criminals on the run, but they won't let us down!"

"Don't care bout every law we break and the trouble that we'll make!" I sang at the top of my lungs.

"There's nothing I wouldn't do as long as I can do you!"

We sang the whole song back and forth, me fumbling the lyrics a bit more but figuring it out as I went along.  When the song faded out we were both laughing and energized and out of breath.

"We are so bad at singing!" Darryl said.

"I know! Now I remember why I dropped out of chorus!"

"Well, it was fun. That could be our song," Darryl said.

"Oh yes ! Definitely!" I said.

We turned on to my street and I could see my house in the distance.  We turned the radio down as we approached it and I was feeling some dread.  I was coming back later than normal, but it should be fine.  Darryl stopped outside of my house and I got out and stepped on the sidewalk. He rolled the windows down.

"Same time tomorrow remember?" Darryl said, peering a bit down to look at me through the window.

"Yep definitely! Same time," I said.

I waved as he drove off, still feeling the energy of the night and staring out at the road and the neighborhood for awhile.  I turned back to my house.  It was definitely time to go back in.

uwu SkeppyMC return uwu

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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