disclaimer : these aren't my gifs and I don't follow
plot lines
cover credits to @LogansNarnia !
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After a painfully awkward night, she had to endure with her dad, Spencer fell asleep pretty quickly. Now she just needed water.
Her dad's room was the closest to the kitchen, so she had to tip-toe past it. The last thing she needed was a lecture on hydration or something at 2 AM.
The apartment was dark, but there were small spots of moonlight that filtered through the blinds that helped her make her way into the kitchen. Without turning a light, she opened a cabinet, felt around for a cup, and leaned over to the sink.
There was a knock at the door.
Spencer spun away from the sink to glance at the glowing clock on the oven top.
Who the hell was here?
Spencer's eyes got wide. Does her dad have a girlfriend or something? Did her dad's girlfriend just come to visit in the middle of the night?
God nononononono-
Another knock.
In a stupid, unconsidered decision, Spencer stepped out of the kitchen and towards the door.
Her eyes widened when she realized how dumb she was being. She spun away from the door, her eyes wide and practically cursing at herself.
There was another knock, and Spencer put her cup on small table right to the door, and then raced over to her dad's room.
"Dad?" she called. He had left his door open, just a little bit. Spencer peaked in, knocking on the door. "Dad!" she called more aggressively.
There was another knock at the door, and Spencer cursed out her life as she slipped inside the bedroom, walked over to the side of her dad's bed.
He was all balled up when he slept. It always confused her. When he came over during the holidays when Spencer was really little, she used to sneak out of her room and go by the couch he'd sleep on. And he always folded in on himself, clutching the blankets up to his face. Her mom slept like a starfish, but her dad slept like he was prey.
He never let her sleep by him. It always bothered Spencer, but she didn't want to push him further away.
But how much further could he get than New York?
But there was still knocking, so Spencer gave his arm a little push, then another one, until she was shaking him and going, "Dad, dad, c'mon, wake up."
Bruce shot up in bed, his eyes wide and his hands going right to his face, and rubbing the sleep from himself. "Are you okay?" he asked. "What happened?"
Spencer jutted her chin to the hallway. "There's someone at the door."
Bruce stared at her, and then at the clock, almost like he was going crazy. But then something must've dawned on him, because he was throwing his legs over the side of his bed, and standing.