god save the cat pic dealers
who hold onto my sanity
tugging on my heartstrings
flushing down my insecurities
god save the cat pic dealers
keepers of my serotonin
when i have been through things
no one should be knowing
their fuzzy fur and pointy ears
depicted in the picture
takes away all my fears
and for a moment dries my tears
softens my cries to a whisper.
god save the cat pic dealers
whose bravery's heroic
they search the depths of the internet
for felines and maybe rodents
god save the cat pic dealers
their supply's immensely great
they're here to bring me happiness
when his horrific story breaks.
PoesieI like to tell myself I don't write poetry. That turned out to be a big, fat, lie. Untitled captures the height of my emotions under different situations, whether it be related to the real world or my very complex online life.