Chapter 57

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"It's really good to see you, Riley."

Heather had come to visit him in the infirmary. A few days had passed. Although Riley was still very skinny, he had been eating several times a day, determined to get his strength back. Already he could walk around for a good amount of time without getting dizzy.

"It's good to see you too," said Riley. "Um, where is May?"

"Oh, she's with her pups," said Heather. "They were born just a day before Violet's, actually!"

"How is she doing?"

"She still misses Thunder, but she's less depressed now that she has her pups to look after," Heather replied. "She said to tell you she's glad you've woken up, and that she's sorry for being absent."

"Are you the only member of the administration right now?" Riley frowned, seeing that the Saluki looked even thinner than usual. There was an exhausted look to her eyes.

"For now, yes," said Heather. "May will return to her duties once her pups are weaned. In the meantime, we're looking for new recruits."

Riley nodded. "Um...Heather, I have a request to make." He looked towards Nimble, who was sitting beside him. "I've already discussed this with my platoon, but...I would like to become their new leader, if that's okay."

Heather blinked, as though surprised.

"I've had a lot of bad things happen to me lately, and it's weighing me down," Riley explained. "I need a new purpose in life to keep me distracted. I know I'll never be half the dog that Blackjack was, but my platoon needs a leader."

Heather slowly nodded.

"You've proven time and time again that you're a very tough dog, Riley," she said. "I think you're more than worthy of succeeding Blackjack. From this day on, you are the leader of Platoon 8."

"Thank you!" A great sense of pride shot through Riley, although it was mingled with anxiety. He knew he'd have to work harder than ever now, to maintain the respect he'd earned from everyone.

"Now then," said Heather. "There are some dogs that would like to speak to you, Riley."

Riley's tail stopped wagging. "Who?"

"There were several dogs living with the Alphas against their will," said Heather. "They are now living in the city. They're really grateful for you helping them, Riley. They keep asking how you are."

"Oh." Riley's blood ran cold. A memory flashed before his eyes, of himself plunging that knife into Plato's neck. He shook his head furiously, forcing the image away.

"Alright, where are they?"

The Alpha refugees were living in a small building near the infirmary. Riley recognized the Shetland sheepdog that greeted them at the entrance.

"Hi Riley!" she wagged her tail rapidly. "I'm Callie. It's so good to see you!"

"Um...hello," said Riley awkwardly.

He cautiously stepped inside and looked around. There were 10 dogs, including Callie, who were all sitting around the small room—all of them purebred, and all looking very relieved.

"I never thought the day I'd see Plato fall!" exclaimed a golden retriever.

"We are forever in debt to you." A French bulldog dipped his head to Riley.

Suddenly, another dog, this one familiar, stuck his head out from a doorway.

"Riley!" Nikolai went flying at him. 

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