Chapter 34

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Riley was awoken by a cloud of dust drifting into his nostrils. He gave a violent sneeze and sat up.

The platoon had located to a new building to make their quarters in, which was not far away from where their old quarters had been. While these quarters were more spacious, Riley preferred the previous place. There was a thick layer of dust over everything, which had been making everyone sneeze. Although they'd taken several objects outside and shaken them until most of the dust flew off, Riley was still sneezing every few minutes.

Silently cursing his sensitive hound nose, Riley stood up and jumped off the bed and shook more dust from his coat. This sleeping room was similar to the old one, although the rear wall was a giant window, entirely made of glass. A massive hole at its base was how the dogs entered and exited the quarters. Strangely, the window was covered with a row of long, white metal strips that hung from tiny hooks up above. They were incredibly lightweight and could easily be pushed through. Blackjack proposed that the loud clacking of the metal would alert them to any intruders.

Indeed, these quarters were harder to infiltrate than the previous. The balcony outside of this window was surrounded by a metal fence that was partially missing. This gap was in leaping distance of a black staircase. It was still possible for unwanted visitors to get in, but at least Riley felt slightly safer sleeping here. Still, he kept longing for the old quarters, with far less dust and a cozier atmosphere.

Ricochet and Nimble were still asleep on the single large bed in the room. Tucker and Sky had taken to sleeping on a huge couch in the main room, while Blackjack, Maverick, and Violet had claimed the second sleeping room. Riley had to pee, so he quietly made his way outside and down to the street below. As he relieved himself, a howl rang out in the distance--the signal for a gathering in the plaza.

It wasn't long before Platoon 8 had joined the crowd in the center of the city. Riley's gut tightened upon realizing the crowd looked smaller than usual—a reminder of how many dogs had been killed or horribly injured. Nearly everyone still had bandages on their pelts. A few dogs were even missing an ear or an eye. Nonetheless, everyone stood attentively as Thunder stood on the platform above the crowd. The mastiff's body was crisscrossed with thick, ugly scars, and his shoulder was covered in a thick layer of bandages—but he still stood tall and talked clearly.

"We have suffered some huge losses as of late," said Thunder. "Many brave dogs gave their lives in the battle with the Pure. If I had time, I would address each one by name, but since there are so many, let us instead give a moment of silence in their honor."

Everyone dipped their heads. For several long moments, the entire plaza was quiet. The grief in the air was palpable. From somewhere in the crowd, there came a quiet moan.

I'll never forget any of you. Riley silently spoke to the deceased. Sadie, Keith, Dawn, Damien, and Bear...thank you all for showing me the courage of true dogs.

Thunder then continued. "Although we won the battle, the Pure still exists. Because they will be recovering from the battle, now is the time to recruit new dogs into our army. I have a few packs in mind who I wish to contact, and I will be sending some of you out to find them."

Thunder paused and then said, "Platoon 6 will go to the Lake Pack, Platoon 7 will go to the Western Plains Pack, Platoon 8 will go to the East River Pack, Platoon 9 will go to the Deep Woods Pack, and Platoon 10 will go to the Northern Hills Pack."

After the last pack was named, a strong scent of fear suddenly burst from Violet, who was bristling.

"No!" she snarled under her breath. "Not them!"

"Hush," Blackjack whispered, comfortingly laying his tail across Violet's back. "It'll be alright."

Violet flattened her fur, but her legs were trembling, and her tail was tucked between her legs. Riley had never seen her look so vulnerable.

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