Graceless- The national

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He walked in the front door, drenched from the rain he left outside to find you sat on the hard wooden floor in front of the floor to ceiling window, overlooking your view of the overgrown back garden. His black hoodie covering your body, earphones in playing The National so loud you didn't even hear him come in.

He stood at the door, the pin drop silence echoed around the room, enthralled by you he stepped further over the threshold and into the room. The sound of the crackling fire and the faint sound of music coming from your blaring earphones were now heard. He carried on walking closer to you to see your eyes fixated on the rain covered window, your arms wrapped around your knees.

He knew something was off and hated to see you like this, he left the room walking to the kitchen and flicking the kettle on. As it boiled he quickly went upstairs to change into some sweatpants and another hoodie, putting his wet clothes in the washing basket and made his way back downstairs.

He pulled out two mugs, making your tea just the way you like it and took it into the living room, sitting down next to you and putting the tea infront of you. You didn't move, your body stayed frozen and your eyes still fixated on the rain outside. Not a word was said between you, but you were happy to feel his presence, he pulled your left earphone out and put it in his, he smiled as graceless started to play. He introduced you to the national and they had became one of your favourite bands, he liked that, he felt proud of himself for his taste in music. You finally acknowledged the mug in front of you, picking it up and sipped it, putting it back down and leaning into van as if to say thank you. He wrapped his arm around your back gently.

He had been gone for months because of tour, you had missed him and even though he was home, it was overwhelming to be with him again. You needed time to adjust and the silence between you was comforting. 

You moved the cups well out of the way and pulled the earphones away from you ears before curling up in between his legs, your head sitting on his chest, feeling the slow rise and fall. You breathed in his smell and felt your eyes well up with joy, he was home. Your breath starting to sound heavy, van noticed as he finally spoke. "Have you slept much?" You shook your head, he already guessed from the dark circles under your eyes. "Close your eyes then love, rest on me" you sniffled as he comforted you.

"Why you sad darling?" You shrugged eventhugh you knew you didnt want to make him worry or feel bad. "I just want to make you feel better" he softly spoke as he kissed your head

"Ive just, missed you, and im overwhelmed youre finally home" I managed to get out "aw love, im home now okay. I love you" you nodded and spoke out "I love you". His arms still wrapped around you, you began to notice how skinny he was feeling against your touch. "Have you been eating well Van?" "Honestly no, but its alright, don't worry about me"

The thing is you did worry though, you knew for a fact he would have been living off tea and cigarettes, running on minimal sleep. which reminded you "how much sleep have you been getting?" "not a lot, but whats new, I know you're shattered though so cmon let's go up to bed" he said as he pulled you up, you jumped up and wrapped your legs around him. Leaving the cups of tea behind to go cold, leaving the phone where it was, he walked upstairs holding you tightly as if he was never going to let go. He walked into your room and pulled back the covers, laying you in the bed. You pulled the covers over you as he walked round the other side and got in next to you.

The bed soon warmed up from the heat of your bodies. You lay facing each other, you studied his face, you missed it but hadnt forgot the little details. They would never leave your mind, the little freckles on his nose, his lengthy eyelashes, his soft lips, his hair had grown longer and just about covered his eyes. You lifted a hand and brushed it out of his face as he smiled and pulled you close to him.

You closed your eyes, listening to vans heartbeat, his calloused fingers drawing soft circles on your hand as you finally drifted off to sleep.

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