Business- Catfish and the bottlemen

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You sat on the edge of your bed looping the lace of your doc martens around your fingers, pulling them into a bow. Vans figure appeared in the doorway as you gave yourself one last glance in the mirror before taking his hand and walking out the room. Vans hand lead you out into the hallway of your student halls building, towards and stairway as you walked down a flight of stairs to the floor below you. You smiled as you looked at vans hair flopping in front of his face and bouncing as you both walked down the stairs. He had skinny black jeans, a black t shirt, black denim jacket and black boots on. Typical van. You had on a black slip dress, a long sleeve white t shirt underneath, a pair of dr marten boots accompanied by white socks just sticking out of the top. Your hair was straightened and partnered down the middle and your gold hoop earrings blended in but were revealed whenever you brushed your hair out of your face and behind your ear.

You stepped into the hallway and walked to flat 306, where your friend lived. Van rolled his eyes when you both heard music playing on the other side of the door and your eyes widened when you opened to door to be greeted with well over 20 people squished into a one person flat. You walked over to see your friend as she offered you and van a drink, you thanked her and so did van.

You knew her because you were in the same architecture classes at university and you had become quite good friends. However her friends you weren't too fond of, they were loud and annoying and extremely ignorant. But you put up with them as they had became your friends too, or maybe just friendly acquaintances.

You and van found your way to the sofa in the corner of the room and sat down with your drinks, looking at the scene around you. Cheering soon echoed around the flat, louder than the music, and you watched as some lad had taped beer cans together and tried to down them in one. Vans eyes stared at the boy and his eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Look I love you, but your friends can fucking do one"

You reassured him they weren't your friends, and stood up, pulling him up with you. Vans hand locked with yours and he trailed behind you as you pushed through the crowd to find your friend. "I'm not really feeling too well, I'm going to head home I'll talk to you soon. Bye" you smiled and closed the door behind you and before she could even get a word in, you and van were halfway down the corridor making your way back to your flat on the floor above. You opened the door and locked it behind you, put the bottle which was still in your hand down on the table and made your way to your window. Van done the same and took the cigarette out of your hand which you kindly offered him. The bottom of your window only opened on the latch for 'safety reasons' but thankfully the top opened all the way, so you sat on your window sill and lit your cigarette, along with vans. He stated how he had no idea how you got away with smoking in your room and to be honest you didn't know either. It wasn't allowed in the building and the smoke alarms hadn't ever gone off the whole year you'd lived there, so you were either really good at hiding it or your building manager needed to invest in some new smoke alarms.

You puffed the last bit of smoke out, leaving the windows open to get rid of the smell as you walked to your kitchen to get drinks before making your way to your bed. You and van sat down and quickly found you were both slurring your words and the room was slightly spinning. The chill from the window being open had travelled through the room and goosebumps had formed on your arms. You laughed it off as you stood up to close it. On the walk back you could barely walk in a straight line and fell onto the bed and vans arms. You both laughed for a moment before he leant down to kiss you as you kissed back harder and urged him to take off your clothes.

Catfish and the bottlemen imagines- v.mWhere stories live. Discover now