Oh how we've grown

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" EH!? Y-YOU - Cut your hair ?? "  She half screeched, honestly she didn't expect she'd be this surprised.
He was older, and it's not like her appearance or the others hadn't changed over time. Perhaps, it was just... the way he looked.
" Eh? You don't think it's good ? You gotta problem with my hair or somethin' ? " He said, squeezing the boar head in his hands. He seemed disappointed.  " Of course I don't! The length and cut suit your face shape quit well, it makes you appear quit attractive actually "  She'd be proud of how she worded it, if she wasn't silently panicking about the growing blush on her cheeks.
" Heh, Now you sound like Tanjirou "
She didn't understand what he meant exactly, had Tanjirou told him he was gorgeous or something ?
" But I'm glad that you like it "
He smiled, and it wasn't one of those big-proud smiles, it was a soft, beautiful one. One that she thought was going to end her life right then and there.  " Well, I do like it. You do look more mature! Now, if you don't mind I need to get back to preparing breakfast. Perhaps you should go see the others, if you haven't already greeten them " She turned away from him, hiding the red hue on her face.
He stayed silent for a few seconds, but made a ' mhm ' sound and departed the room, placing his headpiece back atop his head. ' Oh thank Gods he's gone ' She didn't know how much more of his damn pretty face she could endure.

Everyone was now out on the porch, scattered all over the place with either a plate full of delicious food in hand, or an empty one at their side.
" Mmmm that was delicious Aoi!! Thank you so much! " Nezuko cheered, you'd thank she'd one something of high value.
" It was very delicious Aoi-San. Thank you " The older brother added his thoughts and thanks, followed by almost all the others either agreeing or giving her their own thanks.
Almost all the others...
She noticed Inosuke had not touched his food yet, weird...that wasn't very
' Inosuke ' of him. Could he possibly not like it ?
She began her walk over to him, walking past everyone thanking them for their kind words as she passed each one, until she arrived at her destination. " Umm, Inosuke-San. May I ask why you have not eaten ? Perhaps something is not to your liking? " She was genuinely confused, and worried..
" Ah, finally. Didn't know when you were gonna come out of the damned kitchen. You gonna grab a plate ? We'll eat together " She stood silent, trying to register all the words in her head
1 He was waiting for her ?
2 He wanted to share his meal with HER
When she came back to reality, he had been staring at her. " Well ? Is there none left ? We'll have to share off mine then "  WHAT!?
" No no! There is plenty left, I was just making sure everyone else had eaten and enjoyed their food. That's why I asked for the reason you did not eat yours. I didn't realize you wanted to share it with..me "  She didn't mean to sound so soft those last few words.
She didn't mean to smile and blush so fondly.
She didn't mean to let him see this side of her. But now he sees it.
She didn't know it, but his smile was just as fond underneath the mask.
" Well, if you'd be kind enough to join me to the kitchen, I'll prepare a plate for myself "  He nodded in response, following behind as she led to the kitchen. She wasn't paying attention, but the pair had seemingly fought everyone's attention. She didn't notice  until she heard three girls giggling in synce. ' What are they up to? ' She thought to herself, but left it at that and began to prepare herself a plate to enjoy with her new eating partner.

Across the the porch from where Inosuke and Aoi had taken their seats, Zenitsu stared curiously.
" Is that really what I'm seeing?  Those two being so fond together?  Why is this??? "  " Zenitsu, they might not have your hearing but they can probably still hear you " Nezuko leaned in whispering into the boys ear. It was true, they probably could. But it didn't seem as they'd be paying attention anyway.
" Sorry.. Nezuko-Chan " He blushed, seeing as she was sitting closer to him then before. " They seem happy, they must have grown on each other "
Nezuko said with a fond smile.
One Zenitsu adored. Well then again, he adored everything about her.
Her adorable little giggles when he'd tell her a joke.
The Smiles she'd give him when he'd give her flowers.
The praises she'd shower him with when he completed a task wonderfully.
Everything. Absolutely everything.
" Nezuko-Chan, you are lovely today. Thought I should say " He shot her a wink, which made her blush Intensely.  " Zenitsu- What a thing to say all of a sudden  " She smiled and looked away to the ground.
" But in any case, you are handsome as well "  It was sudden, he just couldn't help himself from saying it.
" Thank you Nezuko-Chan!! " He started glowing after her last sentence, and anyone who knew him would know why. ' His ' Nezuko-Chan just complimented him.

Tanjirou stayed quiet, just sitting on the other side of Nezuko, he could hear everything they said. Clearly.
' Zenitsu will never give up, will he ? ' He thought to himself.
In reality he didn't want him to anymore. His sister bad confessed to him him about liking Zenitsu a certain way, presumably the same way the blonde had thought of her.
Honestly, he was surprised they weren't already together.
They way he complimented her and practically worshipped her it was a wonder she hadn't caught on yet.
His sister really couldn't be that oblivious could she ?
Sure, the way he speaks could be seen as ' playing around ' not to mention he's never really come out and said
' I love you '  or   ' Will you be my girlfriend?  '  But still.
Either way, he wished they'd just confess so he wouldn't have to witness the painful obvious romance between the two without them even knowing. Though I guess he could be thinking about worse things.
Like what could have -been- rather then what could -be-
Zenitsu and Nezuko can -be- something.
The hashira and all the other's who died only could have -been-
Zenitsu and Nezuko -can- Have a future.
Everyone who died -cannot- have a future. There was a fine red line.
And the line is all he could see sometimes. All he could see when he looked at himself in a reflective surface. He saw a living, breathing person. A person who did not die. And all he can think about is what's not in the reflective surface. People who no longer breathe, and are no longer living. People who -did- die.
It hurt, He deserved to hurt.
It should hurt.
It should hurt a lot worse then it already does In fact.
' I should have died. I shouldn't be living this life, someone else should. Why do I get to be of the living ?  Why am I the juck- '  " Oni-Chan ? Are you okay ? You spaced out with a sad expression on your face..."
This was normal. She usually was the one to cut him from his thoughts.
" Oh sorry Nezuko! Did you say something that I missed ?  If so I'm listening now! I'm also not sad so don't worry about me! "
He said, with an overly excited tone. A little too excited to be true...
" Oni-Chan, you do know I can tell when you are lying right ? "
She frowned. He hated seeing her frown.  " I'm sorry Nezuko, I was thinking... " He paused for a few seconds, desperately trying to find an excuse. " ...Thinking about how I forgot something back home. It was a gift I had purchased for... " He paused again, his eyes darting around the room for a person, any person he could use in his little, innocent lie.
Until he spotted someone.
" Purchased for who ? " His sister asked curiously.
" for..." he continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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