Chapter 1

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*heavy breathing*
Rot heads being heard all around me I can hear them coming for me
*heavy breathing*
It all happened to fast all my friends, family all gone I'm all alone running away from these rot heads
I can still hear the screams of all the people who we're eating alive
Trapped nowhere to go they were doomed
I got out alive
I shouldn't have but I'll never forget that one person who lifted me up to get out of that death trap
Now I'm alone hungry and cold
I can hear all these rot heads around me

Chapter One...

Where to go? What do I do ?

In New York City everything went to hell

Everyone got infected and everyone died

But not completely dead

The dead then rose and devoured on the living

I saw it happen to my friend Tommy

He tried to eat me .....

Now I'm running

Running away from this place trying to find a place to stay to hide from the monsters outside trying to get me

I heard there were several safe havens around New York

Came across a couple of them they all got over-runned

I guess no where is safe it's basically all about survival of the fittest

I'm hungry, I'm cold...

God why did this happen I'm alone I haven't seen a single LIVING HUMAN BEING

There all just dead people looking for something or someone to eat

5:38 PM

There's a lot of them in the city that's where all of the safe havens where located in they accepted anyone in even those who where infected they promised food and water they were going to quarantine all the infected and keep those who weren't safe in another location. Seemed like a pretty good idea but it didn't even last a week so many people where coming in with bite marks on the necks, arms, legs, anywhere one of those things can get there mouths on, wait .... What's that noise ?

"Hello? Is anyone in here?"

Who can that be ? There's someone in here, I finally hear a voice and not a rot head

"Stay quiet we don't know who could be in here, Dave stay put"

"No shit"

There coming up... They sound like they have been surviving pretty good

"Any one upstairs? We're not here to hurt anyone were just looking for food and supplies its tough out there I know you can understand if you want you can join us where not to far from here"

These people seem trust worthy there people like me just trying to survive this hell

"I'm here just one guy (oh I hope I don't get killed)"

"Sir stay right there put your hands up, Carlos! We got a live one"

Oh please don't kill me, this guy has his gun pointed at me.

"Are you bit??" The guy named Dave asked me while grabbing my arm and forcing me to face against the wall "I ain't going to ask again son ARE YOU BIT???"

"NO, I'm not, I'm just tired hungry and cold" "Dave go easy on him your scaring the kid" I guess he's Carlos, as I turn around to see both of the men I slowly turn with my hands up, two men older than me in their mid 30's both looking in good condition I start to shake "ar- are you going to kill me?" Dave lowers his gun and responds "no unless your bit or you want me to" he smiles "alright Dave calm down, look kid I apologize for his behavior where both just trying to make sure you haven't been bit you know, if we take you in we don't want to go down like those 'safe havens' the government set up and went to hell In a couple of days understand?" I calmed down a bit I stopped shaking I nodded my head yes Carlos hands me a knife " here just in case we run into those things alright, what's your name kid?" I reach for the knife and respond "Chris, Chris Hernandez" "alright Chris were staying not to far from here, like a couple blocks away think you could keep up?" "Of course anything to get out of here" "I like this kid already Carlos, nite can we leave? It's getting dark" "yea let's go Chris stay behind me and listen to what I say understood"

"Yes sir" after a long time I'm finally going to meet real human beings interact with people being able to go to sleep without being afraid

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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