The One-on-One Lemon

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Two months had passed, and Serena had decided to stay with Ash to get closer to her crush. What's more, they had begun dating, so it was basically like Serena had felt like a daughter in law to Delia, who approved this for the excitement of grandchildren.

As for their Pokèmon, it came up a bit of a shocker. Regarding Pikachu's nights with Sylveon and Delphox, it hardly went well for him.

Of course, both women competed for him in numerous occassions.

Sylveon groped Pikachu and licked his cheek while they were watching TV, Delphox had humped him in his morning shower, and they butted heads on some occassions should they be at an impasse at each other. Thankfully, Pikachu intervened at those times and told them to calm down, which they complied to do so.

But things was worse than he'd have known. At the end of the month, both women agreed to temporarily cease their love rivalry to spend a threesome with him whenever possible.

Poor Pikachu was never used to get along with women, let alone two of them vieing for his heart.

But why Delphox?

Delphox grew bitter that Greninja had decided that they'd stay best friends, and that was it. While this had angered her because she considered this an act of rejection, she had agreed that it would be good for the both of them.

Now because of that, she then started to pursue Pikachu once she declared to have loved him, which was witnessed by only Ash's Bayleef when she dragged him to the very barn made for Ash's herd of Tauros.

But while this seemed to be a shoe-in for most concerns, there were also others in hand.

Ash had received a letter that May would arrive in Kanto, just to see her best friend again.

Although, aside from the reunion at the arrival, and Glaceon snuggling Pikachu like a teddy bear, there was also one thing...

May's Blaziken greeted rather nervously. Her mistress explained that she broke up with Sceptile just a week ago and was about to recover from a broken heart. But when Pikachu cuddled her with a hug to her leg, the taller female didn't break out. Instead, she picked up Pikachu and said "thank you" in her mother tongue.

Delphox took notice of this and began to formulate a plan.

Ash had announced that they will stay with May for the rest of the day to keep her company, as Max has stayed to watch over the family household.

They celebrated this with the beach resort via coupons May used to invite her best friends. Of course, getting along with Serena went perfectly well, given her time at Johto. The rest of Pokèmon were either swimming, making sand castles or playing volleyball.

But for Pikachu, he just suddenly relaxed in view, cuddled by Sylveon and Glaceon.

It was quite surprising that like their respective owners, they were best friends.

Meanwhile, Delphox met with Blaziken for a personal conversation with no one else listening or even looking at each other directly.

'Long time no see, old friend.'

'Long time indeed, foxie.'

'Suffered a heartbreak?'

'How'd you know?'

'I did the same thing to my frog prince and he turned me down. Said that we'd be better off as friends.'

'*huff* That dick.'

Both Fire-types then looked at Pikachu still cuddled by Sylveon and Glaceon.

'You see that precious cutie getting nuzzled in by our sisters?'

Blazin' Saddles (Pikachu x Delphox x Blaziken lemon)Where stories live. Discover now