UHT8 - Acceptance

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My "I liked him" turned into "I loved him".

Liked. Loved. Yes, It was all past tense.

I loved him even though he doesn't really knew my existence.

I loved him even though I can't reach him.

I loved him even though I knew I don't have a chance.

I loved him even though he loves another girl.

Before, I can't let him go because was my dream guy.

I made him a poem without really knowing if he got it.

Maybe that was a fool act. But I never regret it. I never regret to loved him. I never regret knowing him. I loved him. And even if the cupid made me choose who to struck his arrow, I will still choose him.

And the moment I choosed to moved on and to let him go was "acceptance".

Accepting the fact that he's not the right guy for me and I'm not the right girl for him. Maybe we just crossed a path but never destined to each other.

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