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I slept for 7 hours but it feels like I slept for 2.

I slowly walk to school feeling like a zombie the entire way.

I wait for pipers bus to show up and she quickly comes over to me once it does.

I'm now sitting on the curb as she skips over to me.

"Hey." She says happily.

I slowly get up and she frowns.

"Hi." I say sleepily.

"Jeez did you sleep at all?" She asks me.

"I thought I did but I don't feel like I did." I lean my head on her shoulder.

"What are you two Lesbian now?"

I lift my head to see heather standing behind us.

"God give me a break." I mumble.

"I don't know heather ask your dad." Piper says winking before linking her arm with mine and pulling me away. I can't help but bust out laughing especially by the surprised look on heathers face.

"Holy shit that was funny." I say once I can breathe.

"What was funny?" I turn to see a guy standing next to me. He has dirty blond hair and dark green eyes. Wow he's pretty.

"None of your business Henry." Piper tells him opening her locker.

Wait she knows him? Who is this kid?

"I'm Henry." He says holding out his hand for me to shake. I reach out and shake it lightly.

"I'm Alexis, or just Alex, or Lex." I tell him.

"Nice to me you Alex." He says smiling. He has cute dimples.

"I never seen you around." I tell him leaning against the lockers.

"Yeah I came towards the end of last year and kinda just kept to myself." He says.

"He's my locker Neighbor that's how I know him." Piper adds.

"Oh." I don't know what else to say.

"Well it was nice meeting you. I'll see you around." He says giving a little salute before walking off.

"He's cute." I say turning to piper but she's already watching his disappear down the hall.

"What?" She asks come he's out of view.

"Oooo piper do you have a crush?" I ask her teasingly.

"What no- were lEsBiAnS remember?" She asks puckering her lips at me.

I laugh and swat her away.

"Seriously Pipe do you like him?" I ask.

"I don't know.. like he said he keeps to himself so we haven't talked a lot. I mean I talked to him on his first day because he's my locker neighbor and we talk a little here and there but,"

"Piper breath." I say cutting her off.

She sighs.

"Ask him to hang out." I tell her.

"I don't know." She says nervously.

"I'll do it for you." I offer.

"No." She answers quickly.

"Why not?"

"I- I don't know. Please don't."

I shrug. "Ok. Just let me know if you change your mind."

The bell rings and we walk to first period.


First period goes by so slowly. At some point I lay my head down and close my eyes. I'm so exhausted for no reason.

"Ms. Montgomery."

I open my eyes to see the teacher and just about the whole class looking at me.

"Oh uh.. sorry." I mumble.

"Why don't you go take a walk and get a drink from the fountain or splash some water on your face and come back." She suggests.

I nod standing up and leaving the classroom.

I walk down the hall to the bathroom and I go to the big stall locking it behind me. I go to the sink and splash water on my face like she suggested.

Does that actually work? I don't know.

I pat my face dry with a paper towel and I take a deep breath. I look in the mirror and realize I wiped my mascara all over.

"Great." I whisper to myself.

I try to wipe it away as best as I can but even when it's pretty much gone I look like a zombie.

"I guess today is an 'I don't give a fuck' day." I say pinning my hair up in a messy bun to complete the look.

I go to leave the bathroom and right when I round the corner I run into someone.

"Are you ok- we have to stop meeting like this."

I look up to see Noah Beck.

"Wow twice in 2 days I'm on a roll." I sigh.

"It's fine. Montgomery right?" He asks.

"Most people call me Alexis or Alex, a few even call me Lex but yeah I guess Montgomery works." I shrug.

He smirks.


"I know who you are." I blurt out.

He raises his eyebrows.

"Sorry I mean, everyone knows who you are Beck." I tell him.

"Well most people call me Noah or Noah Beck but yeah I guess Beck works." He says still smirking.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes.

"Aren't you supposed to me in class Montgomery?" He asks me.

"I could ask you the same thing Beck." I say back.

"Yeah I guess. See you around." he says winking quickly before walking off.

Wait. Did I just have a civilized conversation with Noah Beck? Was he flirting with me? No he was just teasing me. All boys do that. Literally any guy would do that.

I take a deep breath and walk back to class realizing I've probably been gone for too long.


Lunch time rolls around and I can't stop thinking about Noah.

"What's on your mind?" Piper asks me taking a bite of her pizza.

"Just.. I don't know." I lie.

"You suck at lying." She says casually.

"Look at them." I say and she looks turns around looking at Noah and Heather sitting under a tree. He has his arm around her but he's not paying any attention to her. He's talking to all of his friends and she's talking to hers.

If you didn't know them you'd probably guess that they don't even know each other. If he didn't have his arm around her you'd never be able to tell their dating.

"Why are you so obsessed with them all of a sudden?" Piper asks me.

"What?" I ask looking away from them and at her.

"Omg do you have a crush on him?" She asks now teasing me.

"I don't know Pipe do you have a crush on Henry." I say flipping it back on her.

She rolls her eyes and we go on talking about something else.

I don't have a crush on him...

Fame or Fate // Noah BeckWhere stories live. Discover now