part 4 :D

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This part is from Snufkins POV

Little My and I continued on with our conversation for what felt like hours until we accidentally fell asleep where we were sitting. I was a little upset though. Come to think of it, I haven’t really seen Moomintroll since this morning when he calmed me down. I was going to ask My about it so I could apologize him, but honestly, I missed her and enjoyed our conversation. Her personality didn’t change too much, after a while I could easily that she was acting a bit more mature now, but I suppose it was for the best

I woke up and rubbed my eyes to look around. It was incredibly bright out again and it kinda hurt to look or focus on anything, but I shifted my gaze to my side and realized that My was using my leg as some kind of make shift pillow while she slept in a chair that should be over by the table. I didn’t move because I didn’t want to wake her, but the feeling of my leg falling asleep did hit me until after a while. I leaned my head back on the wall and relaxed a bit. It was rather quiet and peaceful. I could hear the water from the stream, bugs buzzing (my guess was they were cicadas), and a number of different birds chirping. It smelt nice too. I could smell Moominmama’s cooking, but I could also smell the type of sent that could only be found around during the beginning of spring. It really was a lovely smell if I do say so myself.

I closed my eyes and almost fell back asleep until I heard the door open and practically shot back awake. I must’ve moved my leg too because I heard a groan that told me I had woken up Little My. She may be more mature now, but I know for a fact that she's not gonna be happy about that. I looked up at the door and realized it was Moomintroll who had opened it with a trey that held three plates of food and three cups of what I think is either coffee or a tea of some sort. I quickly, but gently, picked up My’s head and hopped off the railing before gently setting her back down and walking over to go help Moomintroll set everything up on the table.

Once everything was set up, My was fully awake and she was clearly in a bad mood. I suppose that's my own fault for waking her up in such a rude manner. The three of us all sat down and ate in silence for a while before Moomintroll spoke up “so, did you do anything interesting while we were away?” I didn’t really know how to respond to that since I was never really motivated do anything on my travels anymore besides walk every so often and I didn’t do that much while I was here during the spring and summer either, so I just picked up my note pad and wrote down ‘Met Toft and helped take care of the house’ “You still went on your winter travels, right?” He sounded a bit concerned, so I quickly nodded and wrote down ‘I did, but I havent been doing all too much of anything on my travels these past few years’ My huffed at this, earning the attention of both Moomintroll and I “bummer, sooo I'm guessing you and I wont be causing any chaos this midsummer?” ‘We might,’ I wrote ‘I'll try’. I really hope I can.

We spent what felt like hours talking about random things like weather, past adventures, where the family was, things like that. It was fun and after a while, we wound up making a code for me!

One stomp is for yes
Two for no
Clap for maybe
Snap is for when I want to be left alone

And we realized I can still whistle, so we decided to continue to use our old whistle system that we made when we were young. It’s always been:

two short whistles and one long one for “come outside”
two short whistles for “wake up”
One super long whistle for “I need help”

There were some more we went over, but they were a bit more complicated, so I’m choosing not to give them much thought, plus, I probably won’t be using them any time soon. Once we all finished eating, I took all of our cups, plates, and silverware and put them back on the trey, then all of us made our way into the Moomin house to tidy up a bit, though, I don’t think it will do me any good for rather obvious reasons.

803 words :B

Aaaaaa I'm so sorry for not updating in forever, I was having some technical difficulties and my phone wouldnt log into my wattpad account :(. I'm back though! I'll try to keep updating more frequently. Okie dokie, love y'all, stay hydrated

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