𝟎𝟎𝟑. you slept with best friend's boyfriend

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❛ my sun sets to rise again ❜

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THERE IS SOMETHING IN THE NEW YORK AIR THAT MAKES SLEEP USELESS, MANHATTAN WAS THE VERY DIAMOND OF IT ALL. Even as the weather changed the waves of tourists never stops, which provided more business - and for the people of the Upper East Side, that just meant more money in their greedy pockets. It was an endless cycle in one of the most gorgeous cities in the United States.

On the Upper East Side, in particular, resided a witty brunette who may have loved it more than most. Where the people disappoint, the scenery and views never did.

Margot Hartley was an enigma in Manhattan, no one knew exactly how to explain her. With only a glance, she seemed like your normal spoilt princess, but there were many layers to the Hartlet girl. She couldn't help it, people gravitated to her, like a moth to a flame. She was simply a polite, kind and generous girl. She was someone that you could never quite put in a box.

Central Park was a usual space where someone would be able to find Margot, if she wasn't at her favourite coffee shop or if she wasn't at home. She'd be sitting on a park bench enjoying some much-needed alone time. She found comfort in the quietness of a secluded section of the park where she was left alone with the trees, flowers and the breeze.

It was in these moments where she was able to relax and sketch what she saw in front of her, incorporating the entire world around her into her art. She felt as though if you had the talent you should use it to show and emphasise the beauty within a sometimes ugly world.

Painting produces a relaxing, open environment where the young girl feels safe to explore her own creativity. She also used painting as a form of releasing anxiety to help a person unwind and let go of all the pressures that plague her mind.

When she sketched it was as if time never passed her by, she thought she had been sitting there for minutes, thirty at least, but it seemed a full hour had passed and she knew that her it only be time before she received an urgent message from her mother.

"Been a while since I've seen you sitting here." A male voice interrupted her solace, making her remove her earbuds and look up at the boy.

"Been a while since I have seen you at all." Margot muttered not looking up from her sketches.

"I'm not the one who up and left for a whole summer." Nate said as he sat down beside her, the resentment ident in his voice.

Margot looked up at the boy with tied expression on her features, meeting his eyes. "Nate, if you're only here to make me feel bad about going to Europe, I suggest you just leave."

𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗿𝗼𝗼𝗺, gossip girlWhere stories live. Discover now