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Ms. Smith's face is changing colours

rapidly, rather like the LED lights Rose,

Jasmine and I keep in our room.


          She doesn't even notice that no

one is working on their tests anymore.

         Achoo! I sneeze, bending over

and covering my mouth with both of

my hands. I sniff. “Pardon me, I’m

terribly sorry, Ms. Smith! Now, as I

was saying…” I continue on verbally

attacking Ms. Smith. As her cheeks

flash to red to purple to white and

back again, I lean on the teacher’s

desk and place my palm on the edge

of the test papers. Then, I pretended

to trip over my feet, and fall,

scattering the test papers everywhere.

          In the middle of the chaos, I

flicked my wrist very quickly. The

wad of gum in my palm flies at 100

kilometres per hour towards the fire


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