Chapter Four

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   America's pov:

   Maxon and I sit in the very front.

   "Are you going to tell me now?" I quirk an eyebrow as he turns the lights off.

   "Not yet my dear." He pats my head.

   "Maxon we've discussed this." I narrow my eyes at him and the movie begins playing.

   "If you're going to kill me, wait until the movie is finished."

   "What are we WATCHING?!"

    He holds a finger over his lips and points to the screen.

   It reads 'DIVERGENT'

   "Woah" I whisper.

   It's a really old movie, I'm surprised that there is even a copy left.

   By the end of the movie I am in love.

   "Maxon tell me there is a second one...." I mumble.


   "There is a second one, there has to be.''

   "Yes my love there is a second one"

   I sigh contently and lady my head on his chest.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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