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Hello, peeps!

Like I said, I will be publishing the drafts I made 2 years ago, so Enjoy!


- In the end, Y/N and Draco didn't work out and they broke up. This bonus chapter is their break up scene.


(Written in April 10, 2018)

Y/N's POV:

"Y/N," I looked up and saw Draco standing in front of me, he was looking down at the ground and his hair was all messed up.

"What is it, Draco?" I asked him, furrowing my eyebrows and somehow I felt nervous. "You look terrible, are you okay?"

I then stood up as I put a hand to my boyfriend's cheek, letting him look up at me whiles I gave him a reassuring smile. Whatever his reason is that he didn't want to tell me I know that something isn't okay.

"Let's finish what we have," he said to me in a serious face, as he looked straight into my eyes as I gave him a confused expression.

"What do you mean? 'Finish what we have'?" I asked, still confused, as my heartbeat fasten. "Are you - are you breaking up with me?"

"Yes, I am," he said with a blank expression as I felt my eyes tear up, whiles I slowly lower my hand away from his cheek.

"But, yesterday you just told me that you love me and that you won't trade me for anything. So all of that was just a lie?" the tears from my eyes started to fall down my cheeks one by one, as I slowly step back away from Draco.

"Of course it was a lie! What else would you think I'd be breaking up with you if that isn't true?!" he shouted at me, as I felt my heart fall to the ground as my brain sunk into darkness. I couldn't think anymore.

I looked at him, and for a split second a flash of Blaise's smirking face appeared in front of me. I remembered that day so clearly in my mind, it was when we were in third year.

"So, your only purpose to date me is for you to be more powerful than everyone? You mean you don't have actual feelings for me? Your just using me be the little king of the world, huh?" I told him, anger started to gather inside and outside my body.

"Yeah, who else would want to date you other than wanting to be famous?"

I heard Blaise's voice inside my head, as anger once again filled inside my body. If only possible my hair would be on fire because of how angry I was at this very moment.

But, I don't want to jump into conclusions. So I tried to calm myself and face Draco, with my hand clutched into a fist.

"Why?" I asked. "Why would you suddenly break up with me? If you were lying for the past five years of our relationship then you should have broke up with me earlier!"

He didn't answer, as I felt my whole body shaken. He just looked away from me, avoiding eye contact.

I know what he was doing, he was avoiding my eye contact so I won't have to use Legilimens on him. He's lucky Aunt Bellatrix taught him Occlumency.

"I am not breaking up with you if you give me a valid reason to break up with you," I said to him, pointing at him with my shaky hand.

When he didn't answer, I sighed in frustration and sat back down covering my face, as well as wiping my tears. I looked up at Draco once again, he was still avoiding eye contact.

"I wish you should have broken up with me years ago, so it wouldn't hurt as much. But even if you have broken up with me years ago, it still will hurt as much because my feelings for you never changed," I told him, it was more of a whisper.

I stood up once again and slowly walk up to Draco, I cupped his face into my hand as I made him look at me. He tried to shrug my hand off I jolted his head towards my direction.

"Just look at me one last time," I beg, tears was falling from my eyes as I looked at his gray eyes whiles he looked back at me. "I will always love you, Draco, but please tell me the reason behind all of this, so the pain might ease just a little."

I saw him hold back his tears, I can't seem to know what was going on his mind. Most of the time I can read what was troubling in his mind, but right now he was using his Occlumency.

"I don't love you anymore," he said, making my tears fall from my cheek even faster, my chest was aching, it was hurting so much.

It didn't ease the pain, it made it worst.

I sobbed quietly as I lowered my head for him to not see it, my hands also fall down to his shoulders as I sobbed quietly.

I looked up at him once again, as I nodded.

"Don't worry," I said, wiping my tears but it was useless because new tears would fall down. "I still love you. If it makes me a fool, then so be it. I'm still gonna keep my promise to you, I will still love you no matter what happens. But please, let me do this at least one last time."

"Will you love me no matter what happens?" he asked, looking through my eyes.

"Of course, I will. I promise you that I won't stop loving you," I told him, with a huge smile on my face.

I slowly got near his face, until my lips touched his soft ones. This would be the last I'll be feeling his lips into mine, I will always miss this. I gave him a peck on the lips, and looked at him straight in the eyes.

"I hope one day you'll tell me the reason behind all of this," I said, as I slowly took my hands away from his shoulders whiles I slowly turn around from him, leaving him standing there alone along with the five years that we've spent together.

The Half-Blood Princess // Draco Malfoy x Reader (YEAR FOUR)Where stories live. Discover now