"Not Just another fangirl" {zico x reader}

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*four years ago*

You were fourteen and scrolling through YouTube like you always did the year was 2011 and you had a "minor" obsession with kpop... Ok maybe not minor more like unhealthy obsession buuuut I digress. You were searching to see if there was any new kpop groups and you came across one. "Hm block b eh? Meh I'll give em a shot." You clicked on the video and your eyes were locked in the screen from beginning to end with the occasional fangirl noises that couldn't be explained by modern science. Once the video ended you immediately searched up everything about the band except where they lived. Sure you were creepy but not that creepy. "Hmm so their names are Zico, P.O., Taeil, B-bomb, park kyung, U-kwon, and jaehyo eh? They're awesome!!! Kyaaaaa!" you fell backwards on your chair from getting over excited and your mom ran in worried.

"Gah!!! (Y-Y/N) a-are you okay what happened?!" She looked like she could have a heart attack.

You laugh as you look at how worried she is and what originally got you into this situation. "I'm fine mom I was just fangirling."

"Ugh you and your kpop. When are you ever gonna grow out of that stuff?" She asked crossing her arms.

"Hm I don't plan on growing out of it."

Your mom sighed "well don't hurt yourself over it okay?"

"Fine I'll be more careful." You rolled your eyes while your face was back on the computer screen. Your mom left you to your fangirling once again. "Kyaaaaaa! Zico is adorable!" You smiled as you scrolled through on Google images looking at pictures of him. You sigh and prop your head up on your hand. "Ugh why couldn't I have been born in Korea? Oh well..." You look at the clock. "Gah! It's already 12:00 AM?!" You hurriedly hopped into bed and fell asleep.

*present day*

You were now nineteen and you just moved to south Korea on all the money you've been saving up for the past four years.

"Wow I'm actually here! I can't believe that I'm finally here! WooHoo!!!" You were excitedly jumping up in down in the airport as other people stared at you. "O-oh I guess I should act a bit more properly since I'm in public." You walked out of the airport with your headphones in listening to Jackpot by block b and dancing to it a bit. "We hit the jackpot baby!~" you sang along to the song until you bumped into someone. "O-Oh I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" you look at the person you just bumped into he was really familiar you squinted a bit to make sure you're seeing this right and you also pinched yourself to make sure that you weren't dreaming. The person you bumped into was none other than the leader of Block b, Zico!

He chucked a bit and helped you up. "You sing pretty good you know that?"

A bright red blush appeared on your face. "Wha-what o-oh I um th-thank y-you!" you bowed quickly.

"No problem. So what's your name miss?"

"Oh um m-my name is (Y/N)" you blushed more and more the longer you were around him.

"Nice to meet you! I would introduce myself but you seem to already know who I am." He smiled at me.

"Y-yeah Im a really big fan of yours in fact." You rubbed your knees together nervously.

"Im glad to hear it! It's nice to know such a pretty lady such as yourself listens to our music!"

You blushed as much as humanly possible at this point and you were struggling to hold in your fangirly noises. "TH-Thanks..."

"Hmm would you like to have dinner with me tonight if your not busy?"

"I-I couldn't possibly-" you stopped yourself and thought it over for a second. ~you've been waiting for this day for years don't let it slip away now!~ "I'd love to!" You smiled brightly at the kpop star.

"Great meet me at (restaurant name) at 7:30!"

"O-okay I'll be there!" You smiled and walked off as you found your apartment.

{To be continued my friends! Sorry if this is sucky it's my first kpop fanfic ever and I wrote it on a whim so yeah please don't kill meh if it's bad! Leave requests in the comments for more fanfics about block b! And for now Peace out!}

Block B x reader {fanfics}Where stories live. Discover now