{⋅. One .⋅}

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Five years ago, things were... "normal."

Sure... monsters roamed the lands, there was literal HELL and other dimensions... but to most, this was normal.

Five years ago, the normal turned abnormal.

It started out small. Taking over the world little by little.

Now you may ask, what was this mysterious force that you seem to be talking about?

My dear reader... zombies.

No one knew how it started, or when exactly it started. All they knew is that zombies had a thirst for blood. The zombies wanted more then they were given.

They started biting other mobs.

Now you would think that it wouldn't be such a big deal, but here's the unusual thing.

Zombies infected them.

Horrible mutations started popping up, and the population only seemed to grow from there.

They grew stronger.

Harder to battle against.

But luckily, humanity could handle it. They built walls and fought against the odds.

Then the second wave rolled around.

And the zombies begun infecting humans.

Turning their own kind against their own, growing their masses against humanity to slowly but surely take over the world.

It was like this for 2 years.

No one could go out to get wood or food. No one could go down into caves. No one wanted to go adventuring anymore.

The mobs grew stronger. Soon developing a resistance against the suns rays, and slowly they became faster then humanity as well. Their minds developing and advancing at a scary rate.

Until... 3 years ago.

3 years ago, someone found a resistance. A cure some would say. An answer. The solution.

Dragons breath.

Injecting dragons breath into yourself would make you temporality invisible to the mobs eye. It would make you able to walk through hoards of zombie mutations and come out unscathed.

Sure it was temporary, but it was the hope people needed.

Using the small amount of dragons breath they had, people injected themselves and traveled to the end, gatherings thousands and thousands of bottles, before slaying the dragon and returning with the medicine.

So here we are.

3 whole years.

3 whole years since the apocalypse was declared over.

3 whole years of people not worrying about a force coming to over take them.

That is...

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