{⋅. Five .⋅}

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It was twilight. The sky was dusted with a light pink and orange against the darkened sky. The gleaming sun was now dipping into the horizon, and the chilled night breeze was starting to settle in.

It was twilight.

The streets were basically bare now, maybe the occasional person would scurry by, but most were enclosed. Wrapped away from the bitter night that would soon engulf the town.

The doors swing behind him as he leaves the building, feet on the cobblestone road. His mind was numb. Dream should be feeling pure joy, giddy with excitement as he skips down the road to his house to break the great news to his friends.

But he felt numb.

Something was off. Nobody who just vanished out of nowhere was a good thing, even if it had that horrible explanation behind it. Some crappy bullcrap that Schlatt pulled out of his back pocket in hopes of swaying him one way instead of the other.

Daylight sensors suddenly flicker out, the redstone lamps under them suddenly turning on, flooding the streets with artificial colour and filling the empty void the sun had taken with it when it decided to slumber for the night.

Dream starts down the street. Passing by closed doors and brightened windows. It's funny how artificial the world in the city seemed. Out in the wild, light was natural. Maybe from a lava pool, or straight from the moon. The city had lost all its charm he had first possessed when he first entered the city, yet he didn't have much time to admire it with the crisis he had in his hands.

He peers down the alleyways as he passes them, just a simple precaution he had adapted in the wilderness, and just never dropped when he arrived. Peeking into one alley in particular, the one between the bookshop and the library he saw the cat he always sees there. A brown and cream coloured cat with curious yellow eyes.

But she wasn't alone today.

A small boy, with a light blue beanie he always wore with a black engraved derp face (:p). He sat, his back against the alleyway of the small corridor, slowly patting the cat who let out soft purs.

"Hey... Skeppy?"

Skeppy curled up and glanced upwards towards Dream, who had made his way over and slid down next to him. The cat bounced over and made herself comfortable in Dream's lap. Dream raised his hand to scratch behind her ears.

"Hey Dream."

"I see you've met Patches."

Skeppy looks over from the cat to Dream in surprise.

"She's your cat?"

Dream chuckles and shakes his head.
"Nah. We just keep bumping into each other here. I usually feed her lil scraps of food, and eventually just carried around fish with me cause I kept seeing her. I just sort of started calling her Patches... it just seemed.... Right I guess."

Skeppy nods as Patches nips Dreams hand. The latter chuckles.

"Sorry girl, I don't have any food for you today."

The cat doesn't seem to mind, curling up and letting out a large yawn.

"I get it, some random.... things just feel right for some reason. I remember first meeting Bad, how I didn't like him. But something being around him made me always find excuses to go back. It just feels right."

Skeppy draws his knees in closer and hugs them.

"I don't know if he will still talk to me after what happened with the DBGC..."

Dream's curiosity spikes.

"What really did happen?

He's quiet. Silence.

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