{⋅. Four .⋅}

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Reminder that all characters with evil/harmful intentions are not actually evil or cruel. Don't hate them outside of the book. I just needed a good 'villain' :)


The sun was now dipping into the hills, casting a molten glow over the whole town as they began to head home for their evening dinners.

Dream was pushing past the crowd, making his way over to a tall building of quartz and prismarine that stood along the various skyscrapers. Skeppy has long parted from his side and George really payed no attention to when he left.

He entered the building. A tall skyscraper of high status, one of the biggest in the city. Dream beelined to the stairs. He would have used the elevators but those were reserved for higher members.

His feet tapped against the quartz stairs, occasionally met with carpet from various floors. Moving past people headed in the opposite direction, desperate to get home.

Reaching the end of the stairwell, a birch sign with the number '29' on it showed that he was on the right floor and made his way out of the stairwell and into a hallway.

His shoes were muffled by the carpet, and his mind wavered as he tried to swallow his fear. He really was scared, and Dream had no flipping clue why.

Dream found himself situated in front of a dark oak door, and taking in a small breath, he raised his fist and knocked.

"Come in!" A rowdy voice called.

The door swung open under Dreams touch and he stepped in, closing the door behind him.

The wall Dream was facing had a large glass window, with a breathtaking overview of the city enclosed behind walls. The others were mostly covered in bookshelves, shelves with pots contains various sorts of foliage. There was a lush red rug under his feet and overhead lanterns hung down, dangling in chains.

In the middle of the room was a makeshift table. Dark oak, with a lectern and book. A quill was laid in the desk, ink still dribbled on the end. The chairs were on opposite ends, made of a scaffolding block and another door.

The room was a mess though, books and papers stacked high and files were tossed around the floor.

"Please mind the mess, it's not everyday you plan a 3-year celebration 2 days before it happens."

The man who spoke was standing by the window, taking in the view. He slowly turned, readjusted the cuffs of his suit and sat down, gesturing Dream to do the same.

"Don't worry, you aren't in trouble."

There was an immediate sigh of relief and Dream felt his body relaxing as he settled down in the chair.

"Then why did you-"

"I'm getting to it."

The man glanced at Dream, the ram horns on the side of his heads tilting in succession. He took the book from the lectern and flipped through it.

"They call me many things Dream. Some call me Schlatt... some call me their boss, others call me the president of the fine city we call home. I'm even called the Head DBGC! But..."

Schlatt closed the book and placed it back down onto the lectern.

"You know what they can call you?"

Dream remained silent for a moment before piping up.

"Uh... they call me Dream... some call me by my real name-"

"They can call you an official member of the DBGC."

A small silence hung in the air as the information went in though one ear.

Then a small smile broke out of Dreams face.

When he didn't had gotten the job, he was denied a spot on one of the four teams, due to them being full. Instead he was a backup fighter, ready to jump up and take the spot if one backed out for a trip. 

Sure he had not even gone with them yet, but it was the thought that counted

"Wait... Really?"

Schlatt smiles. A small, unreadable and uncomfortable smile

"If you are willing to take the job."

Dream paused.

"I thought you said the teams were full?"

Schlatt composure falters a little bit he managed to pick it right back up with a light chuckle.

"Team 3 is now completely empty so I'm getting the most promising backups we have into the team."

Dream freezes. Who was on team 3? There was Wilbur and Philza. Skeppy and Ant. Badboyhalo or another girl acting as a medic. Sometimes Techno.

So what happened to them?

He had just seen Skeppy. He had physically knocked on his door to bring him this message.

"- and we can start at 45 diamonds a run... and you will go once a month. How does that sound?"

Dream was brought back into the moment and looked up at his boss. No, he was definitely hiding something behind that smile.

"Sir..." He began slowly. "If you don't mind
me asking... what happened to Team 3?"  

A beat of silence.

"You see... Skeppy and... someone else was the only one to return from the trip this afternoon. Spewing crazy nonsense. I fired him. I have search parties out looking for the others, but really..."

This didn't make sense to Dreams brain.

Why wouldn't he send out a search party or something like that? Why just accept that they were gone, and fire the last two?

Why would Schaltt not accept or take into account of Skeppys story, because it really sounded like this man was pulling things out of his butt and making it right up on the spot.

Dream wasn't buying it.

"I really appreciate the offer sir." He said with a sickly smile. "If you wouldn't mind letting me think about it overnight...?"

Schaltt waves at him.

"Oh of course. Such a dangerous and life changing choice deserves some thought. Think about it overnight, talk to your housemates and come back tomorrow."

Dream gave the man a half smile and rushes out of the room.

He was going to bet to the bottom of this rabbit hole.


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»» ITᒪᗩᒪI ««

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