Misfortune Sings My Song

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 Harry panted, his breath coming out in heavy breaths as he stood in the middle of the battlefield. Across from him, was a body. A scaly body that belonged to Voldemort. A body that marked the end, finally an end! An end to the war, an end to this hell, and most importantly the beginning to his true life. Harry couldn't help but smile, he turned and rapidly searched for Hermione and Ron, his friends though everything. Harry found them, they ran towards him both with blinding smiles on their faces. Hermione looked absolutely overjoyed, she had one arm linked with Ron and the other held out. Harry ignored the weakness in his limbs as he limped forward, it was time to celebrate the war was over. Voldemort was over, and Harry's life has started.

Abruptly, a look of confusion and mild horror rose to Hermione's face, making Harry pause mid wobble, she opened her mouth to yell something at him, Harry turned to see what she was looking at, hand tightening on his wand as he half expected to see Voldemort back on his feet.

"Avada Kedavra!" Harry stared at Lucius Malfoy, his voice and face filled the air, desperate anger. Harry tried to dodge, but his attempt was futile. A dead body of the boy-who-lived-twice plopped to the ground like a puppet with freshly snipped strings.

But that was unfortunately fate, wasn't it? Harry could never get a break, with the spidery footsteps of Death following him. Peril seemed to always be around the corner no matter what happens. Harry had always been destined to die at the chilling magic of a killing curse. The realization hit too late, Harry should have moved as soon as he saw Hermione's face. Instead, he turned just in time to see the killing curse's blinding green light launching towards him at a frighteningly unavoidable pace. Just having a moment of sombering relation and a shot of panic before it hit along with the killing curse.

Harry's soul was pulled harshly out of his now former physical form, and he cried out in mourn as he stared at Lucius with anger and hatred. Lucius, like the coward he was, now looked quiet queasy and sick. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all! Why was nothing ever fair to Harry, he just had his victory, won his rights to a happy ending, yet there it happens again. Voldemort ruined his happy ending, not himself but a follower of his. Harry thought now that Voldemort was dead Harry would have a chance to live, just like the prophecy said but no-no, apparently nothing would allow Harry the chance to be happy and free. All Harry had in his life, was some sad half-life of running and desiring to end a war he shouldn't have ever been forced into. Harry was going to start a real life, a real life with his friends! Why couldn't he ever get what he wanted? Just when he was about to turn the page on this nightmare and start a story he wanted to be remembered for, he was murdered.

Torment spun in his soul as his attention moved over to his own corpse as a series of spells were launched at Lucius, he stared down at himself. Harry met his own dead eyes, and they seemed to stare at him and through him. The wand, one of the three Deathly Hallows, was still held by his lifeless hand, a ring that was formerly a horcrux was positioned snuggly on his former pointer finger. Harry's soul felt cold as a shiver wracked his form, he took in his expression. Terror. Hopeless, devastatingly hopeless terror. Harry's mouth had fallen open when he hit the ground, and it looked like he died screaming. On his forehead, his hair spewed around his scar and show cased it like some twisted art form. Harry noticed movement out of the corner of his eyes, and glanced over to find Ron and Hermione. Hermione clung to Ron, tears in her eyes as she pointed down at Harry's body, she was saying something as Ron shook his head as a few tears started to fall. Harry reached out, he went through them. Harry was left to watch with an ache in his heart as Hermione dropped next to his body, she reached forward and felt his neck.

Already knowing the answer, he wanted to cry himself when he saw her expression as she looked even more helplessly up to Ron who kneeled beside her. Hermione moved his head to her lap as she slouched over him, she started to heavily cry as she seemingly whispered word Harry couldn't hear. Harry could only guess she was praying to any deity who would listen, Ron reached around her and patted her on the back as he used his other arm to hold Harry's deathly hands. Ron shook his arm gently at first, he mouthed a few words as he leaned forward before he shook the arm with both hands and a little more rigor. Another plea for Harry to just wake up, another plea for a small victory, another plea for Harry to stand a chance for once.

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