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beep beep beep beep be-

"Bloody hell, who adjusted my freaking alarm again? argh." you groaned while fluttering your eyes, as soon as you opened your eyes, [E/C] orbs meet red orbs.

There stood your one hell of a brother, Kai Suzuki

There stood your one hell of a brother, Kai Suzuki

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(nO to incEst)

"GOOD MORNING [Y-" his words were cutted off by you of course, you directly hit his face with your pillow.

"Disgusting [Y/N]-chi , your drool is still present in the pillow y'know." he said as his face shows pure disgust then rubbed his face on your blanket.

"Why the hell did you fcking adjusted my alarm clock again? and heck too early in the morning too, are you trying to kill me?" I said with a pokerface remembering I slept at 3:47 A.M then was woken up at 4:50 A.M.

"Oh that's because granny-chi said that she has something to give you early in the morning, so yea." he said while smiling fakely cause hell yea he knows I ain't a morning person and he just wanted to tease you.

I rolled your eyes and then got out of bed.


Going down the stairs, grandma was waiting while sitting calmly on the sofa.

"Ah, I see [Y/N] you're awake, come join me here." said grandma with a heart warming smile.

As I sat on the sofa along with my shitty brother, grandma placed a neat envelope on the coffee table.

'am i going for an adoption? heck.'

"Open it sweetie." grandma said, and I obliged.

There it says:

Dear [Y/N] [L/N],

I, as the director of Totsuki Culinary School of Japan, hereby invites you to study and learn more things here in our Culinary School, having you here would be a great pleasure.

Tho it won't be that easy since you have to pass the entrance exam, but worry not, with your cooking skills, the entrance exam would be a piece of cake! Once again it would be a pleasure to have you here.

Nakiri Senzaemon


scrunched my nose by the second paragraph.

'you want me to go and enroll in your freakin heck of a school but I still have to participate entrance exam? nope nope nope! a big n-'

"So sweetie, would you like to go and spend 3 years there?" grandma said, ruining my thoughts.

I was about to protest when my shitty brother joined the conversation, "Ah ah ah, even if you'd say no, you're still going so, just answer yes directly so that it wouldn't waste time. Time is gold y'know!" Kai said while dramatically waving his hands.

'freaking overeactor'

I cleared my throat, hesitantly gazed to grandma.

"Yes, grandma, I would love to take this opportunity!" you said while smiling.

"Your smile awfully looks fake." Kai whispered, gaining my attention to him.

I slapped my hand to his back as strongly as I can, while smiling closed-eyes of course, grandma is infront.

He then smiled back to me, clearly pissed off.

"Oh don't miss me so much brother, you can call me anytime you want." still with the smile on my face.


Grandma said that I have to pack my things so I could leave early tomorrow, so I did what she said and checked on my things before finishing up.

'...toothbrush, undergarments, clothes, pants, shirts, checked! that should finish my list.'

After packing up, I laid on my bed and sighed.

"There goes my uneventful life, slowly fading away..." I said while staring at my ceiling, then sighed again.

"Stop being over dramatic, you can visit us y'know!" said Kai who was on the doorway of my room.

"If I'm ever gonna visit, it's not you who I'll be visiting, it's granny." I said with an expression-less face earning a groan from my brother.

"Anyways, you should sleep early, you're leaving early tomorrow y'know!" Kai said with an excitement plastered on his face.

'fcking shiet is excited of my departure'

and by that I fall on my slumber.





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