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Sasuke walked into the game Store, Ino noticed him and smiled "I'm almost done then we can go okay?"
"Yeah sure..." Sasuke started to look at the old GameBoy games in the showcase by Ino. Sasuke was now going to school every day and checking up with his studies so much that now he tutors Ino, he looks more cleaner and alert then he did in a long time almost more alive. Ino started to worry about her school work now she needed her grades up if she wanted to graduate, she worries less and is more carefree and says what she thinks now, almost alittle outgoing. "So Sasuke I hope you don't mind but I invited a few people"
"Oh just Ten-Ten, Temrai, Neji, Shikamaru and Choji"
Sasuke sighed and Ino just smiled "Well I mean I know you wanted us to hang just us but-"
"That's a relief cause I invited some new friends too Karen, Jugo, and Suigetsu"
"Ew Karen." Sasuke gave Ino the 'come on' face. "What? We just don't see eye to eye but hey! Your friend is my friend" the clock struck 5 and the alarm went off "Okay let me change and get my things"
"Yup" Sasuke walked around the store and he saw Kiba in the naughty section. "Kiba?"
"EHY! Sasuke what you doing here??!!" Kiba asked as hid what he was holding behind his back. Sasuke sighed "Your waiting for Ino to get off her shift so you can buy that Hu?"
"Dude! She gives me the LOOK when she rings me out for when I rent those games!" Sasuke laughed a little, Kiba really Doesn't change. Kiba got promoted at his job and is also taking night school so he can go to collage, he still wears his Hawaiian shirts and plane brown shorts, he try's to be a lot more professional now since he is a manager so he gels his hair back. He moved back in with his mom and Hana so him and Akamaru where reunited. "Well anyway Sasuke I invited someone to come he's sorta anit-social so he needs this kind of thing!"
"Who is he?"
"He's a high school student, our age, that interns at my job his name is Shino" Sasuke shrugged and told Kiba that he and Ino where bringing guest too, Kiba laughed. Ino walked out and saw Sasuke and Kiba "Hu? Kiba you coming with us?"
"Uh no just uh getting a game "
Ino gave him the LOOK, Sasuke said see you tonight's to Kiba the left the store.

Hinata and Naruto are on the Train going to the club house. "So Hinata..."
"Naruto how many times do I have to tell you? Yes what I said was true it's really how I feel..." Hinata looked down she was blushing a lot, Naruto just laughed "No not that! You see well" Naruto got nervous and started to scratch his cheek with his finger "I wanted to know if you'd like to go on a date, I mean I want to know more about how you loved me for this long and never stopped even when I had a crush on two girls" Hinata looked at Naruto shocked and blushed a lot but before she could say anything, Sai came over and slammed both there heads together "Now kiss!!" Both Hinata and Naruto's lips did touch but, well it hurt. Hinata fainted, she grew more emotional toward others, she cut her hair shorter, now it's up to her shoulders and she focus more on fun than study. "SAI YOU IDIOT! I TOLD YOU THAT DOESNT WORK IN REAL LIFE GAHH MY MOUTH HURTS" Naruto smacked Sai and looked at his mouth "But you said you wish that happened to you"
Naruto just sighed. Naruto became the guy he was when they where little the fun, active, hot head again he is no longer serious, but he still study's with Hinata and takes that seriously, he also got a hair cut. he cut his hair shorter. he smiles more and says a lot of air head thing (on purpose). "I was being sarcastic!"
"Oh ok by the way where is my 20 dollars?"
"I WAS-" Naruto took a deep breath "Okay Sai I know you said you grow up without emotions but seriously learn sarcasm" Sai sat next to Naruto thinking and when Hinata woke up Naruto was putting her hair back "N-N-Naruto?"
"Ah hehe here I got you a hair clip" Naruto showed Hinata a sun yellow hair clip and he put it in her hair "There now your hair is not in the way of that beautiful face.." Naruto smiled, Hinata blushed and smiled back she lend in, kissed his cheek "Thank you..." Naruto put his fore head on her's closed his eyes and smiled. Hinata did the same
"I'd love to be to your girlfriend"
"how'd I end up with a girl like you?"
"You just got lucky I guess.."
They both opened their eyes slowly and stared into each others eyes. Naruto leans in closer to give Hinata a kiss "Are you guys going to kiss" Sai said getting between them "DAMIT SAI!" Hinata laughed.

A brown bunny with green eyes sat at the side of the door way, the bunny was eating a marshmallow. Sasuke saw the bunny and stared at the bunny. He picked it up and smiled "I knew you'd come...." he carried the bunny inside the club house.

Please comment on how you think this fanfic was!! It was fun writing it thank you everyone for reading it 😃😘


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