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Previously in Somebody..

I stand up feeling overwhelmed. My abdomen hurts from the anxiety that has grown rapidly inside of me. I am done. I am destroyed.

We finally arrive home after everyone in the party stared at me in shock after Taehyung released anonymously the video.

I lie in my bed with a headache as I search for messages from Mr.Jo. Of course there is one. I take the risk and open the message.

"Fix this. Tell the reporters we are getting married." My hand starts shaking after reading this. That's a big step closer to the cage I have to put myself in.


The next morning we arrive at the building which holds the well known TV show for idols. As rookies we have been invited from long ago to answer a variety of questions live. There is a hundred percent chance they will ask me about that video.

We sit in order from the youngest -which is me- to the oldest member. I smile nervously all the time because it's my first time on a live broadcast TV show.

The show begins and they ask us to play some games for starter. So we start from recognizing other groups' songs to dancing random pop ones. But now it's the time for the interview.

"Jennie I heard you come from a rich family so you are used to be so financially sufficient. Is that true?" The show's host questions her.

Jennie smiles innocently. "It's true. I have never had financial problems but I wasn't spoiled either. Even now as an idol I don't want to spoil myself."

The host returns the smile satisfied with her answer. "Can you tell us if you had ever a crush on an idol before you deputed. Or if you still have maybe?" He asks her again.

She frowns a bit. I know the answer but will she.. "Yes I've been having a long-time crush on V from BTS." Jennie spouts off.

The host looks at her with surprise. "And why is that?"

"It's because he is my ideal type. He is perfect in my eyes." She uncontrollably blushes and lowers her head.

The host turns to my way. "What about you Lisa. You are the youngest right? Do you also have a crush on an idol like your friend?"

I try to remain composed. Let's do this. "No. I don't." I shake my head.

"What about that video that was released just yesterday. That girl was clearly you. Are you a victim of sexual assault?" He asks me faking a serious look on his face.

I clear my throat. "No. You misunderstood. I didn't want to make it official or publicize it but the truth is .. this man is going to be my husband soon." I blurt it out not holding back. Everyone remains silent for some moments. I think that even the host was taken aback from my statement.

"Umm.. nice. I wish you the best.. So there is really nothing between V and you that everyone suspected? Is it because Jennie likes him?" He keeps questioning me. He should thank me for providing him with exclusive news.

"As I said previously I am getting married soon. Taehyung.. I mean V just happened to be there when I had a hard time finding the restroom that's all." I think people must have noticed my nervousness just now.

"So it wasn't him who recorded the yesterday's video was it?" He keeps interviewing me and I exhale exhausted from his questions.

"No. I don't know who recorded the video. Maybe it was some stuff working at the competition." I look away guiltily.

He then finally progressed to questioning Jisoo. My thoughts are floating around and I don't seem to be able to focus on the remaining interview.

When the show finally ends we go backstage to change but we stop to our trucks when..

"Lisa what the hell." Taehyung is here with the whole group. Am I hallucinating?

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