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Previously on Somebody..'
"You will soon find out Taehyung.'' I force myself to
smile. ''Get well soon''

*one month later*
Taehyung's health has been restored two weeks now. At least that's what the internet says. I don't think his memories are back though. That's why I plan to go find him where he and his team practices and make him remember.

I take everything I need and I take a breath before I leave the house. While I am in the car I replay Mr.Jo's message again and again. Next time he won't be so lucky he said. I don't want to cause any more trouble to Taehyung I just want to restore his memories. It's selfish but I don't want to be the only one who remembers.

I finally arrive at the place that I know BTS practice. "Don't leave without me." I say to my driver and I get out of the car.

I get in the building until the security stops me. "Umm I am Lisa from Blackpink. I came here to see a friend." I claim but the security doesn't move away.

"BTS informs us when they expect a visitor." He tells me sternly.

"She came to see me." A certain voice makes the security man and I look behind our backs.


The man leaves Jungkook and I alone. His face expression isn't as soft as I remember from last time.

"What are you doing here?" He questions me. My anxiety comes in the surface and I play with my hair nervously.

"I came here to see Taehyung." I explain kindly. He scoffs and pushes his hair back with his fingers.

"Don't call him that. It's true that V gave you some attention but that doesn't mean you get to call him that." He scolds me glaring at me angrily. I guess they blame me for what happened to Taehyung and their fame as they should.

I clench my fists furious. He is so naive. "I know him better than you will ever know him." I fight back surprising him.

He breaks into a sarcastic laughter and then turns serious again. "That's what all his ex girlfriends claim. I am tired of this." I ignore the ex girlfriends part because Jungkook is about to call the security. I have no other choice but to kick him in his guts.

He falls on the floor in pain cursing me and the security rushes towards me so I do the one thing I know I am good at.. run for my life. I have escaped many times from the police and people I stole from.

I keep running through the long hall and I open the doors I pass violently to find Taehyung. After a few attempts I know I opened the right door. I know it because I distinguish a particular laugh. Taehyung's laugh.

I barge inside the practice room and everyone turns to look at me shocked. I pat hard and turn towards where Taehyung is standing.

His eyes meet mine and I exhale relieved that I found him. "Taehyung." I call for him and I can understand from his eyes that he is surprised I called him that. He must think I am crazy running here like a thief.

The security catches up with me and grabs me violently from the back startling me. He throws me to the floor and holds me down preventing me from moving.

"Stop." A deep voice orders the security man and I look up to see Taehyung's serious face.

Are you going to save me again when you don't even know me?

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