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Previously on Somebody..

Taehyung hang on there. I am coming. I tell myself and I get in my car.

I have finally arrived at the hospital. I hope it is the right one. At least this is the one they say Taehyung is hospitalized. I get out of my car and I walk towards the building. A huge crowd awaits outside. Reporters and worried fans immediately form a circle around me. ''Lisa are you here for V?'' ''Is he your boyfriend?'' ''Is he alive?'' Fans cry and scream and reporters try desparately to find out something spicy.

Nobody spreads hate to me though. Everyone is too worried about Taehyung. I keep my mouth shut beacause I do not know the anwers to their questions. I start tearing up. ''Please let me go and find out if he is ok.'' I plead sincerely. The fans stop asking questions and they clear the road for me. The reporters keep sticking around me until some fans pull them away violently. I would never expect from them to help me.

I eventually manage to get into the hospital. I ask around and beg everyone to let me see him until they are finally convinced. A nurse leads me to his room. I open the door and look hesitantly inside. He is... awake? Taehyung's black hair is messed up by the huge bandage wraped around his head. He reads a comic until his attention is drawn by me.

I walk closer to him anxiously. I will understand it if he does not want to speak to me anymore or If he want to cut ties with me. I expect him to shout at me how this is all because of me.

He stares at me. His eyes stone cold. Emotionless. He must hate me. ''Taehyung.'' I finally speak but he keeps staring at me like he tries to figure out something.

''Who are you?'' He asks and frowns confused. Another punch hits my stomach. I remember now. They said he lost his memory. No way. He must playing around. He just wants to make me feel the way he felt when I told him I did not remember him. Right?

''Taehyung.. do you remember me?'' I ask him with anticipation. He closes the colorfull comic of his and stares at my face. Say you remember me.


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