Chapter 11

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Tae go away tae he will kill you tae.. said tee.
Hey hey little pup i am here love look at me said tae to tee.

Tae you go if you stay here he will also kill you baby please go away love please tae said tee.
No i am not going to anywhere... i am stay with you here said tae.

Baby please i can't please baby try to understand tee convince to his tae.

Hey little pup we promised to each other we will live together said tae.

Tae .... tae crying and hug tae.

Really you can live with together you bloody bastard unknown person said them.

Tae he is here please go...
please he will hurt you tae go baby please love said told tee to tae in sobbed.

Stranger grabbed tee hair and separated them.
No please don't hurt him please i bag you tee begged that stranger.

Don't touch him you bloody bastard said tae.

Hey you stay out it you doesn't relate it said stranger.
And if you stopped me to kill this bitch i don't hesitate to kill you so stay out of it.

Lay finger on tee and i Wii kill you right here said tae and run to tee and grab tee from that stranger.

Ohh little pup look your tae has guts to challenge me ha said stranger.

Baby please run i don't want you to hurt said tee.
I told you i am not going any where said tae.

So you both wanna die okay then who want to first ha .. said stranger.

Come on you first my boy coz i need this bitch stranger point to tee and said that.

Noo tae... tee shouted.
Stranger gun point turn to tae and shot.

Tee run and take a shot on him.

Tee.... shouted tae.
No no no love please.
Why you doing this baby said tae to take tee in his arms.
Tae crying...
Love please don't cry i am always with you hear said tee point to tae's heart.

No baby i can't live without you if leave me like this i sware i will kill my self stay with me my love sobbed tae.

Silly i am not going any where baby said and close his eyes.
No no baby ....
Baby open your eyes love hear me come to me i told you if you leave i will kill my self tee....said tae and hug tee and crying...

Forth shouted and woke up in midnight.

Why i am dream like that he think.
Love i know wherever you right now just safe for me.
I missed you my love said forth.
I love you i will always my baby.

Morning comes fast.
Every one at breakfast table.
Forth stared at beam.

Forth what happened??? Ask his father.
Nothing dad answer forth.

Paa said beam.
Yes son said david.

I want to tell you something said beam.
Yes son tell me.

Paa i fell like someone follow me past few days said beam.

Listen this David and forth get shocked.

Son are you alright ask emma to beam.

M fine maa.

Beam don't go university few days i ll manage and talk with dean ok said david.

But paa exam is coming in few days how can i skip classes said beam.

Its all arrange at home and your friends to be with you here said forth this time.

Yes son forth arrange everything and don't worry okay little pup said emma.

Forth look at his mom in shocked state.
Mom did you just say little pup ??? ask forth.

Yes son what happened ask emma to his son.

You don't remember beam said emma.

He is your little pup your tee answer emma to forth.

Forth get shocked.

Mom you didn't say that forth didn't complete his words
Yes son but we had our reason to hide that said david.

Forth get angry but when he sees beam his anger vanish.

Forth comes to beam.
He hold beam hands and see in beam eyes.
Tear fell on his eyes.
Beam can't hold his eyes.

Forth hugs beam.
Like his life depends on him.

Why why... didn't you told me love why??? Ask forth to beam.

Beam can't say anything just cry silently.

Tee forth call him.
Beam sobbed and hug forth tightly.

Forth can't understand what is happening.

Suddenly beam faint in forth arms.

Tee forth shouted.
Dad call the doctor and forth takes beam in his room.

After sometime doctor comes.

He checked on beam.
Forth david emma waiting outside of room. comes outside.

Forth grabbed shoulder and ask how is he ???? He is fine right? Forth asking so much worried and scared to death if something happened to his tee.

Forth clam down he is fine but...
But what doc said david.

Beam is on any medication??? Ask

No doctor he never complains me about his health in fact he is a medical student said david.

Okay but i find something in his blood like anti depression meds said doctor.

What ??? Forth gets shocked.
Yes forth.
Right now i give him injection he needs rest said doctor.

Okay doctor said emma. leave.

Dad i want to know everything about tee right now and no more excuses said froth in dark aura.

Forth's father understand what is forth want to know.

Okay son come to office room said david to his son.

In office room:

Mr.jaturapoom pov:

U know son when i told you that m going to business trip to UK eight years ago.

Yes dad said forth.

I am not going to there.
Actually i was on way to UK but uncle ben called me at that time.

And ..... mr.david stopped.

And what dad?? forth shouted.

Everything changed son.
When benny called me he said me to save tee coz tee was in danger.
When i reached benny house there were no one in house.
Then i heard some sound in backyard.
I reached their but i was too late i already lost my best buddy and his wife.
That bloody bastard kill them.
Coz he wants tee tee's everything.
His property empire and.... david sobbed to remembered horrible events.

And what dad tell me otherwise i can't control my anger said forth.

He wants tee his whore.

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