Chapter 8

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Pacing back and forth in the living room, Donald bit his beak. Scrooge would be back any minute with Louie. That is, unless something happened to them. Donald tensed at the thought. "They sure are taking a while, huh?" he commented, trying not to sound worried. Della chuckled, able to see through him. "Relax, Don. If anyone can save Louie, it's uncle Scrooge," she reassured. He took in a breath.

He was startled by the sound of the doorbell. Beakly smirked at his jumpy behavior. "That's probably them now," she said. A few moments later she came back into the living room with Scrooge behind her. "Did you get him?" Della asked, her feathers sticking up. Donald smiled to himself. She was just as worried as he was. She just did a better job at hiding it.

"Yes, but he may be a bit... off," Scrooge informed. Dewey turned to Webby. "Right. You told us he lost his memory or something," he said. She nodded.

Louie came from behind Scrooge, looking like a nervous puppy. Scrooge prompted him forward. "Louie, this is yer real family," Scrooge said. Louie gave a small wave. Huey stuck out his hand to Louie. "Hi Lou, I'm your brother, Huey!" he said, his voice fluctuating as he spoke. Dewey elbowed the red triplet in the ribs. "He lost his memory, he's not deaf," he remarked.

Louie opened up a bit more. "If you really are my family, let me guess who's who," he said, looking around. "Brother, brother, sister, mom, and dad." He was mostly right. Donald and Webby's faces burned with embarrassment.

Leaning against Donald, Dewey smirked. "Yep, this is our dad," he said. That just made Donald blush harder. "No, I'm not," he corrected. Huey grinned. "Correction, he's the world's BEST dad!" he cheered. Donald face palmed and Della started laughing.

Webby went up to Louie. "And I'm not your sister. I'm Webby!" she said, sticking out her hand. Louie smiled at her. "Oh, right, you broke into my room," he remembered.

Louie frowned. "I wish I knew what was going on," he said. Huey put a hand on his youngest brother's shoulder. "Hey, there's a whole section in the JWG about amnesia and how to cure it," he smiled. Louie raised an eyebrow. "JWG?" he questioned. Dewey stepped over to them. "It's a nerd book," he explained.

Huey grinned. "I've always wanted to try them. Let's go!" he cheered, dragging Louie behind him. Webby and Dewey exchanged a look before following.

Up in the boys' room, Huey read over the first line in his guidebook. "Alright, different words or pictures might trigger some memories," he said. Dewey and Webby decided to join in. "Webby and I can list stuff!" Dewey suggested.




"Ducks? Webby, we're ducks."

"Right. Umm..."

"Top hat!"


"Uncle Scrooge!"

"Ding! You got it right!"

Huey and Louie exchanged a look. "Are you guys playing a game or something? This isn't Concentration," Huey said. "That's not even how Concentration is played," Dewey corrected. Huey sighed. "This is getting us nowhere," he said. Dewey jumped up. "Hey! Here's an idea!"

Pulling out his phone, he clicked on the pictures app. "He can look at some old photos," he explained, handing Louie the phone. He scrolled through the images. Dewey put his hands on his hips. "Pics, or it didn't happen!" he smiled.

Louie flipped through several pictures, most of them involving a giant carnivorous plant. "Huh. Well, I guess wasn't lying when he said you're my real family," he commented. "Anything ringing a bell?" Webby wondered.

Finally, Louie handed Dewey his phone back. "Nerp. Sorry," Louie sighed. The kids' expressions dropped. "Ugh! But we're doing everything in the guidebook!" Huey whined.

"But maybe none of it's working because it's not normal amnesia," Webby suggested. The boys looked to her. "What do you mean?" "It was caused by a genie wish. Magic. So maybe it takes a magical genie wish to reverse it," Webby explained.

"But not just anyone can wish to reverse it. Whoever made the wish has to reverse it," Webby added. "So we need..." Dewey thought. Everyone waited for him to say it, but he took too long. "Goldie!" they answered in unison for him. Dewey nodded. "Right, right, I knew that."

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