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Wei Ying moved in with the three, into Lan Zhan's room while Xiao Zhan moved into Yibo's room.

Xiao Zhan and Yibo were cuddling on the sofa while Lan Zhan and Wei Ying went out to get food.

"Zhan" Yibo rested his head on Xiao Zhan's shoulder. Xiao Zhan who was sitting between Yibo's legs leaned back into his chest "Hm?"

"Did... Did you ever do it with my brother?" Yibo asked and Xiao Zhan who was watching spongebob square pants frowned while focused on the television "Do what?"

"Sex" Yibo said and Xiao Zhan choked on air. Yibo immediately pat his back "What is with that reaction..."

"And what is with your question!" Xiao Zhan retorted. Yibo pushed Xiao Zhan onto the couch "I'm curious! If you are still a virgin, I will be more than happy to take your first time but if you have done it with my brother, I must show you that I am better"

Xiao Zhan blushed as he placed his hands on Yibo's chest to stop his advances "W-Who said I'll l-let you take my first t-time... W-Who said we will do... T-That..."

Yibo chuckled "So your first time haven't been taken. I'm glad you're a virgin, Zhan Zhan. Look, I am too!"

Xiao Zhan blushed harder as Yibo leaned down and kissed him. "S-Spongebob..." Xiao Zhan mumbled and Yibo frowned "Don't moan Spongebob's name. Moan my name"

Xiao Zhan blushed "Yibo... They might come back soon..." Yibo grinned and shook his head "They will probably go on a mini date before buying lunch"

Yibo silenced Xiao Zhan with a kiss and Xiao Zhan responded, wrapping his arms around Yibo's neck. The two were engrossed when the door clicked open.

Yibo shamelessly continued kissing Xiao Zhan since it wouldn't be they first time they see it. They have also seen Lan Zhan and Wei Ying kissing before.

"WANG YIBO!" A voice shouted and the two flinched in shock and sat up. "M-Mother?" Yibo was surprised.

"Wang Yibo! How can you kiss your brother's boyfriend?! You're such a let down in our family! You can't study well and you still want to destroy your brother's happiness? And you, Xiao Zhan! Why did you kiss him back? Are you that shameless? How can you do this to A-Zhan?!" Mrs Wang shouted.

Mr Wang looked at Yibo in disappointment, dragging him to kneel on the floor while Mrs Wang slapped Xiao Zhan "I don't want to see you near my sons ever again!"

Yibo seeing Xiao Zhan get slapped immediately stood up and went to him "Stop! Why are you hitting him without knowing the truth!"

Xiao Zhan clutched onto Yibo's shirt, not wanting him to shout at his parents but Yibo pushed Xiao Zhan behind him.

The door opened and Lan Zhan appeared hand in hand with Wei Ying. "There! Your precious son is finally here! I'm sorry I'm a letdown, a disappointment! I'm sorry everything I do is not as good as your precious baby A-Zhan!" Yibo shouted.

Yibo then grabbed Xiao Zhan's hand and pulled him out of the house."What happened?" Lan Zhan walked forward.

Mrs Wang stared at Lan Zhan and Wei Ying "What's going on with you two? Why is Yibo with Xiao Zhan and there are two Xiao Zhans?"

"Hi, I am Xiao Ying, Xiao Zhan's older twin brother" Wei Ying introduced himself. Lan Zhan then continued "I fell in love with someone and I thought it was Xiao Zhan but it is actually Xiao Ying, his older twin"

Wei Ying nodded "My brother met his prince charming when he was 7 and thought it was Wang Zhan but it is actually Yibo. We had misunderstandings and solved it so now we are with the person we like"

Mrs Wang covered her mouth with her hand and gasped. "H-Husband, what have we done to Yibo and Xiao Zhan?"

Meanwhile, Yibo only stopped when Xiao Zhan stopped walking and pulled his hand. Yibo turned around with tears falling as he hugged Xiao Zhan tightly and cried.

Xiao Zhan stood there patting Yibo's back. "It's alright, Bo Bo. I understand how you feel. I always felt inferior towards my brother. Look, he is so good at everything, so funny and sociable, so smart and competent while me...

I like singing and painting which I don't know if there is a future for me. But Bo Bo, you have me. I love only you, I will never leave you. To me, you are the best I can ever have. No one can compete for your spot"

"Thank you, Zhan... That means a lot to me" Yibo said and wiped his face before giving Xiao Zhan a kiss "I love you, even if you want to leave I won't let you"

"I won't let you leave me either" Xiao Zhan giggled and after they calmed down, they roamed the streets while holding hands, finding something to eat or something fun to do.

After a few hours, Xiao Zhan received a call from Wei Ying. "Zhan, why aren't the two of you back yet?"

Xiao Zhan glanced at Yibo then softened his voice "Brother, is Yibo's parents still there?"

"No, they left after knowing the truth. Won't you let me and Lan Zhan accompany you? We already let you have your private time"

Xiao Zhan frowned "Brother... You have Lan Zhan already, why do you want to intrude in our private time? I know Yibo has a nicer body and is funnier and is more handsome-"

"Shhh" Wei Ying interrupted "My Lan Zhan is more handsome! And his body is so good, with his very obvious six packs! And My Lan Zhan has a good sense of humour too!"

The two suddenly started comparing their boyfriends, leaving Yibo and Lan Zhan who stood beside them listening to their comments, blushing through their ear.

Xiao Zhan ended the call with a huff and held Yibo's hand "Let's go! I don't want to return there tonight! And you! Don't ever look at Xiao Ying or talk or laugh with him!"

Yibo chuckled at Xiao Zhan being jealous and allowed himself to be dragged around and about. Meanwhile in their house, Wei Ying huffed at the phone "This brat! He hung up on me!"

"Wei Ying, are they coming back?" Lan Zhan asked and Wei Ying's jaw dropped. He then smiled sheepishly as he rubbed his nose "H-Hehe... Lan Er Ge Ge... I forgot about it..."

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