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"Ben, BEN!"

I jolted awake from my seat, confused for a moment of the unfamiliar surrounding. After rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I began remember I was on a plane. 

I looked around to be met with a pair of large green eyes. Zoe was the one who tried to wake me up.

"You weren't supposed to fall asleep." She said jokingly, a coy smile playing on her lips, "But we're almost here."

"Thanks Zoe." I said sleepily, stretching my arms out to the side. Chip, Jawa, and Mike were talking about something in front of me, but Addie and Erica were no where to be seen.

"Where did the other girls go?" I asked Zoe. I noticed that the skyline of Washington DC had now changed into a metropolitan city. I could see the outlines of all the tall skyscrapers, there bright lights making out the roads packed with cabs and cars.

Zoe looked around for a moment, and looked as she herself had just noticed they were gone.

"Huh, they were here a moment ago. They may have went to Catherine, who knows." Zoe shrugged, then sat back down in her seat as the seatbelt light dinged on. We were arriving soon.

I did the same, and fastened my belt tightly. The familiar descending feeling settled, making me feel like my body and soul had separated.

Zoe seemed to notice my uneasiness, and slyly slid her hand over mine. I looked down at our entwined hands in surprise. I could already feel my face heating up. I couldn't bare looking Zoe in the face, so I just faced forward the whole time.

As the jet began to descend at a faster rate, Mike looked at me, then down at me and Zoe's hands. He gave me a knowing smirk which I returned with a scowl.

"So Ben," Mike said, the laughter evident in his voice, "How did you get so handy at math? It's as if your destinies were entwined."

I gritted out a small "Shut up," but tried to keep my mouth closed, worrying I might throw up if I said anything else.

Zoe assuringly rubbed the top of my hand with her fingers, which sent shivers down my spine every time. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that she had a small smile, her green eyes shining brighter then I've ever seen them.

I looked out the window and saw the runway of an airport began to come closer and closer. I heard the whirring sound of mechanics as the wheels were put down. I braced myself for the landing, gripping the handles of my seat tighter.

The first bump made my stomach do a flip as the back wheels touched the ground. Then the front wheels. The jet was zooming fast across the runway, but it slowed down gradually until it halted.

Catherine's British accent came over the auto coms again,

"Hello everyone! We have now arrived in New York. Benjamin, Mike, Chip, Jawa, and Zoe; please come get your outfits. We are going to start operating right away."

Outfits? I thought, but my question was answered when Erica and Addie came out from the cockpit with new outfits. I'd be lying if I said that both of them didn't look amazing.

Erica had on a pair of athletic leggings, and a maroon tank top jersey with the numbers 87 on the back. Her long raven hair up in a pony tail with strands of her hair drooping down in front. She almost looked like a normal teenager, only her usual tool belt wrapped around her waist suggesting other wise.

Addie, on the other hand, had on black soccer shorts, and a maroon jersey that said DARROW  on the front, and an 09 on the back. A soccer uniform. Her hair was also up in a ponytail, with a Nike headband holding back her baby hairs.

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