Chapter 5

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Unlike what he'd expected, the room that was being used as his cell was not a freezing cold, damp dungeon. Instead, it was an unused hut – small, yes, but not insulated from the desert heat. Light came through the closed, worn curtains, and a table sat near the chair he was strapped to – behind the table, another chair. Outside the door, he heard people talking. About him.

"He was out towards the air base?"

"Yes. We found him on our way back."

"You think he saw you?"

"Before we got to him? No. He was...surprised to be caught."

"That's good; they won't know when you got back. We're not bust yet."

"You want to question him yet?"

"You just want to beat him up."

"You read my mind."

"We're not them."

"No. We have an excuse."

"We have no excuse. It's bad enough what you do on the raids." A sigh. "Stay out here. If I think your skills are needed, I'll bring you in."

Skills? A bead of sweat formed on his brow when the door opened, but only one figure entered. He recognised the silver helmet before anything else.

"You're the Dark's Queen," he growled.

"So, you talk." The Dark grabbed the extra chair, bringing it around. "Let's see if you'll talk some more."

"I wouldn't betray my people."

"I wouldn't expect you to. Your beliefs might anger me, but one cannot fault another's loyalty – no matter how misplaced."

"Then why are you holding me?"

"Because there are a couple of things you can tell me, without giving up your loyalty." She cocked her head. "You look thirsty."

"You tied me down for hours."

"I can bring some water. You answer my questions, you drink. Sound good?"

Faranth didn't speak. The Dark stood up, and went to the door. "Someone get some water. Now!"

It took a couple of minutes, but eventually she returned, placing a glass on the table, just within reach. If his hands weren't tied... He licked his lips, took a shot.

"Does look good."

"I'd have thought so."

"I drink half, I'll consider talking. Deal?"

"Who's the one tied down?"

She's not stupid. Damn.

"Look." The Dark sat back on her chair and locked eyes with him. "I've got five days. Then I've got to clean this place up. Unfortunately for you, my brother knows a pretty efficient way to 'clean up' unwanted guests." She shuddered. "And, after five days, I'm afraid you fall under that.

Here is what I want to know. Your name, for starts – it will make things much easier. Also: what did you say into that radio? How much do they know of our activities, according to your report. Nothing else. You answer that question; you get that drink."

She stood up. "I have things to do. I'll give it an hour, then come back. It's not like you're going anywhere. Give it some thought." She thought for a moment. "I may have more questions later, but we'll go one at a time. Answer these questions, you get to quench your thirst. I promise you that."

She smiled, then turned to the door. He watched her walking away, glanced at the water, and glanced back at her.

He felt his dry tongue, felt his constricting throat. She was right – he was thirsty. Was he that easy to read?

He looked again at the water, tantalisingly out of reach. Looked back at her.

Can I last an hour?

She reached the door.


He called out: "Wait!"

She turned.

"My name is Faranth. I'll tell you what I told them. That can't hurt...right?"

She grinned.

"Now we're getting somewhere."


Malar closed the door, locking it. Faranth had answered her question, in full, and nothing more. As they agreed. To be honest, it was more than she'd hoped for.

And, she'd upheld her side of the deal. He'd savoured that glass.

"Well?" Xenon was impatient, as ever.

"He said what I wanted to know, he got a drink."

"What did he tell them?"

"Our location, and that we were building something. He didn't know what."

"Let's keep it that way."

She looked at him. "He could be useful."

Xenon raised an eyebrow, but Malar grinned, and he understood. He hadn't meant his statement like that, but it wasn't like the scout would know any better.

"Let's take a walk," Malar suggested. Xenon nodded.

When they were out of earshot, Malar turned more serious. "They know where we are."

"Yes. They're likely to launch an attack."

"By the sounds of things, they don't know he's been captured. They may wait for further reports, might give us a couple days."

"I'll step up patrols nonetheless."

"We should also step up preparations. Get non-essentials loaded up by dusk." She sighed. "We should have already been doing that."

"No one has done something like this before; we were bound to make mistakes."

"As we're getting closer, I keep feeling more nervous. We've got no fallback if this goes pear-shaped."

"We have no choice. You know we can't stay here, though I'd bloody enjoy it if we did."

"I know how much you'd enjoy it if you could run around their cities blowing stuff up." Malar shook her head. "But that would be too far, and very unhelpful in the long run, and you know it."

"You know my opinions on the matter."

"And you know my word is law."

"Yes, Your Majesty." His tone made it an insult, though a mild one. Malar took no notice.

"Get those patrols stepped up. I want every metre of the horizon covered by at least two pairs of eyes. We cannot allow anything to go unnoticed."

"Nothing will get beneath our noses," Xenon promised.

"Good. I'll get loading started; if we can shave a couple days off leaving time, all the better."

"Will we have anyone on guard duty whilst we take off?"

"We leave no-one behind. I'll be the last one to freeze. Zion'll cover our backs with his cruiser whilst we're taking off, though I hope we'll be far enough by the time they launch interceptors that we can get the Edge docked and the carconium flowing." She exhaled heavily. "If we don't – gods help us all."

"What will we do with the prisoner?"

"For now, keep him bound. He's been more helpful than we could have hoped, already; he's earned his freedom."

"That's a pity." Xenon's voice had a tone of disappointment. "I wouldn't tell him, though."

"Oh, of course not. We'd lose all bargaining power. Better to let him think he's got no chance... and I'll let you help with that."

Xenon grinned savagely, and his words were sincere: "I look forward to it, Your Majesty."

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