Chapter 7- Some Time Together

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(This chapter includes a game I thought of. Feel free to participate. They play the game in this chapter)

Oliver's POV~

The three of us were heading to the mall in Michael's car. I was sitting in the back as Jake kept showing me a bunch of funny memes. A lot of them were really funny and some, not so much. The two of us couldn't stop laughing after a few of them. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad because Michael had to focus on the road. Maybe when we get to the mall, I can show him a bunch of memes that he might like.

After a bit of memes, I decided to play a game we can all play. That way all of us can have fun. "Hey, how about we play a game instead? That way everyone has fun." Michael smiled a bit and said "Sure." Jake just shrugged and said sure as well. I smiled thinking about the game we were going to play. After a little bit, I thought of a game we could play.

I smiled and told them how to play. "You have to describe a video game, but very badly. And if someone guesses right, they get a point. You can also ask questions." They both nod and I started. "Okay, so here's mine. Since you guys are new to this, I'll do something easy. An Italian who gets headaches by hitting his head off of blocks to get money from them and tries to save his girlfriend as he does so." They both asked questions, and I confirmed or denied them.

After a bit, they skipped and it was now Michael's turn. Michael thought about it while he was driving and finally came up with one. "A woman trying to survive commits massive genocide while finding ancient artifacts."

We all took some time to think about it, but we couldn't guess it. This made Michael laugh a bit. Finally, it was Jake's then to come up with a game. It took him awhile, but he finally decided on one. "A guy with amnesia tries to regain his memories and makes evil robots good to attack a demon."

We both thought hard and we both couldn't figure it out. This made Jake laugh. We continued this game until we got to the mall.

We went inside and looked around. I haven't been in this mall in forever, and so much has changed. They both smiled at me for my amazement. I couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. They both pet my head and we continued to look around. Since Halloween is right around the corner, we went to the Spirit Halloween and looked around.

To be honest, I'm not too fond of scary things. But I love dressing up for no good reason, so I'm very happy to be here. We looked at the costumes, and there were so many. It took awhile, but I found out one that I'd use for Halloween. However, I didn't want them to get me it, so I didn't say anything.

Jake and Michael are both so sweet. I'm so glad we became friends. I kind of wish Richard and Ray were here. Oh well, they can come next time.

We headed downstairs, and I noticed both Michael and Jake were hiding their face. Now that I think about it, ever since we entered the mall, they've kept their heads low. I wonder why. My curiosity got the best of me, so I asked them.

"Why are you two keeping your heads so low? I didn't do anything to upset you, did I?" They both jumped a bit and shakes their hands in denial. Michael spoke up and said "No, No! Never! Don't forget, we're models. So we have quite a few fans. Even in the city." Jake nodded in agreement.

I smiled at their behavior and I lifted their chins up. "There, much better." They both tried to put their heads low again, but it was too late. I should've listened to them.

A girl walked up to Michael and asked "Hey, are you Michael from that baseball team?" A guy went up to Jake and said "Hey, you're Jake from that Ski tournament!" Soon, more and more people started to crowd around them until it was like a mob. It didn't take long for me to get pushed out of the mob as they all tried to hug and kiss the two of them. I just sat down and soon enough, Jake used his power to temporarily freeze them all to the ground.

Jake and Michael both ran over to me. I was a little scared for them. "Are you two alright?" I asked, worry in my voice. Jake picked me up and held me tight. "No time for that, who knows how long that ice will last!!!" Michael and Jake both ran with me, and soon a mob of fans were running after us. Or rather them.

After about an hour of running, we finally escaped them. They were both catching their breath, and I felt really bad. "I'm so sorry..." I said apologetically. They both looked at me and hugged me. Jake was the first to talk and said "Hey, don't worry. It's fine. In fact, I think that was kind of fun." Michael nodded in agreement and I laughed a bit. We all laughed to ourselves. I must admit, it was really fun. Running from a bunch of their fans. It's like a weird and messed up version of cops and robbers.

After we had calmed down, we decided to relax and go to the mall's Starbucks. This time, they continued to keep their heads low. We got in and we went to order our drinks. Michael ordered for us as Jake and I chose a place to sit. We already told him what we wanted, so we just waited.

Soon, we noticed he was signaling us to come over. We did as signaled and walked over to him. "So, it turns out they ran out of the Chocolate Chip Cream. Apparently 3 guys before us got them." We both nodded and looked at the menu. We looked at what was available and we all made the same decision.

Jake and I went back to our sitting spot and waited for Michael to bring out drinks. After a few minutes, he came back with our large Cookie Crumble drinks. We all had a taste and it was so good! We all finished our drinks and we noticed it was probably a good time to head home.

We all walked back to Michael's car, and it was finally time to head home. On the way back, I told my mom we were heading home. I led Michael to my house and it was later than I thought it was. It's hard to believe it's already dark out. I got out of the car and thanked the two of them for the wonderful evening. They both smiled as I thanked them and then they went back to school, probably so Jake can get his car.

I walked to the door and knocked. My mom opened it and smiled. "You were out for quite awhile, so how was it? Are they good friends?" I smiled and nodded. "Yeah! They took me to a great restaurant and we went to the mall together." My mom smiles again and says "That's good. I'm glad you're making friends again. But it's almost time for bed." I nod my head and yawned.

She smiles and I go to my room to lie down. I can't believe it's been so much fun today. I can't wait for tomorrow. I thought about Jake, Michael, Richard, and Ray as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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