A Jumper Beast <3

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(Okay so it's suuper late and i'm listening to this song called "Disability" by boxboys and it gave me inspiration for a sweet little fluff <3)

George lay on his living room floor, staring at his ceiling absentmindedly; letting thoughts flow through his head. Thinking about shopping... he needs to buy some cheese for dinner... wasn't there something else...? I think it was-


George sat up from the ground in a startle, his eyes immediately sharpening for another sound that may occur, it came from upstairs- that he was sure. Silently, he shifted up from the floor to stand and tip- toed over to his hallway door, opening it with a quiet swooosh. George looked up the stairs with a gulp. What if it was a robber? Was he being robbed? A crazed fan girl? With his hands becoming sweatier by the second, he began to creep up his stairs soundlessly. 

As he reached the top of the stairs, he could hear shuffling coming from his bedroom. His blood felt like it had turned to ice water, staring at the doorknob with his chest filling with dread. They (Whoever "They" was) were in his bedroom, moving around and doing god knows what. Deciding to scare himself no longer, George puffed out his chest and stormed into his bedroom, with fire in his eyes. Slamming the door wide open, he shouted:

"WHA THE FUCK DAYYA WAN' YA CREEPY BASTARD GET OUTTA EERE" Causing a very girly scream to ensue from his wardrobe.

With his wardrobe still wailing in terror, George opened it's door to find a heap of his clothes making the noise. He removed one of the top pairs of jeans off the still- screaming bundle to reveal a raven haired boy sitting in his wardrobe. Paul McCartney, his boyfriend. With his disguise off, Paul shut up and turned to George with large eyes.

"Oh no Georgie i'm sorry to scare you!" Paul said sheepishly, making George chuckle to himself. I don't think he was the one who was scared really. "I was just looking for one of your jumpers and i was in your wardrobe and i  reached up to the box where i thought you kept them and well... it all fell down..." he trailed off sadly.

George knelt down to where Paul sat and stroked his black hair.

"Baby, you could've called me and i would've given you whichever one you wanted." George chuckled and Paul pulled a face that looked a lot like this >:(

"I know thattt but i wanted it to be... romantic." Paul muttered.

"breaking into my house and crying in my wardrobe doesn't really do it for me, babe" George said, still stroking Paul's hair sweetly. Paul gleamed (Looking still a little embarrassed) and took George's hand from behind his head and kissed it gently.

"I'm still nicking one" >:)

A jumper beastWhere stories live. Discover now