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A/N you aren't meant to understand per say. This is like an anime opening. It makes sense AFTER you read the story, but it goes before just so I can mess with all my readers

Edit (01/13/22) I want to make this clear. This chapter is not meant to make any sort of sense. It's like an anime opening, a metaphor for what is to come. I just don't want anyone to be confused

I've gotten used to supernatural insanity

Aizawa watched as his students ran across the dorms, each one doing something downright peculiar. Bakugo was chasing Sero, who used tape to swing from the ceiling, Midoriya did a bunch of cartwheels, Jirou thrummed a guitar as she walked, Mina and Todoroki used their quirks to skate around, Kamanari did finger guns as he passed, Tsuyu hopped after Uraraka who rolled in the air like a bowling ball, Yaoyorozu and Iida did a waltz, Kirishima army crawled, and that was the tip of the iceberg.

Enough to presuppose that life is peaceful and benign

Aizawa sighed, plopping down into a seat that suddenly appeared behind him. Hisashi Yamada approached, handing him a mug filled with coffee. Aizawa turned away to watch his husband leave, only to find that the mug was gone, with a purple haired male sticking his tongue out as he plopped into the seat across from Aizawa. From the ceiling, Aizawa's capturing weapon shot out, lifting the seat Shinsou was in.

But I'm caught on the rails of this masochistic thrill ride

Aizawa stood up, dodging out of the way as a cardboard box flew right beside him. Turning around, Aizawa found his entire class standing with guilty but excited expressions, with Midoriya in the front, his face melting into one of jovial laughter.

And I know there's something I cannot loose sight of

Aizawa reaches his hand towards the kids, only to have them all blow away. Leaving him stranded on a rooftop with no way back into the building. Aizawa looked around, the sky turning from a bright blue to a midnight darkness in seconds, the time passing faster than it would be normally. Aizawa reached his hand towards the sky, before the clutch of gravity pulled him downwards, to the ground.

I'm swallowed by egalitarian philosophy

Aizawa fell onto a couch, looking around to see Toshinori Yagi and Nezu staring at him with soft smiles on their faces. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, before the world spun, a tornado of fire spiraling around him. As the smoke cleared, he was sitting on a balcony with Endeavor, his sidekick Burnin' leaning against the chair, her head tilting back with a mischievous smile and a wink. Endeavor plucked a white rose from the table, the only one there, and threw it into the sky, which started to glitch like a computer screen.

And I can't figure out what my emotions even mean

Aizawa sat beside Yaoyorozu, the girl looked skyward with a lonely expression. Aizawa reached for his student, but she faded into the silhouette of Ashido, who held her limbs close to her body with unsettled eyes.

But if I can't relay just exactly what I'm feeling, I'm merely just a puppet on a string

Midoriya and Yaoyorozu sat at opposing ends of a plank of wood suspended on a triangular piece to make it a weight balance, each facing away from each other. Red strings wrapped around their limbs, pulling them into the air, where Bakugo was fighting against his own strings.

As I step into the night

The Heights Alliance door swung open, the golden light from the inside washing against the trees and porch.

To the crowds among the street

Midoriya stood at the doorway, his shadow falling over the person who knocked. Mirio and Aizawa sat in the background, idly talking to one another.

They're all happy in their happiness

Class 1A appeared in the background, laughing and playing with one another like a family would do. Their laughter rang out into the sky, their bodies becoming shadows in the firelight.

And lonely in their loneliness

Midoriya reached his hand out to the person who knocked, tears pouring down the girls face as she watched the scene with a shocked expression. With a growing smile, the girl grabbed Midoriya's hand, allowing him to pull her inside into the fun and good natured partying.

It's spinning all around... like melodies from notes upon the sheet, the rhythm of the music singing

Aizawa was spun around as he tried to reach for each of his students. Yaoyorozu gave him a curtsy, before Uraraka handed him a sandwich. Todoroki nodded, fire burning behind him, and Bakugo was speaking with an officially dressed man that Aizawa recalled to be a judge. Jirou jumped on Hisashi's back, and Kamanari lifted up a piece of paper with a red A+ taking up the entire space. Tokoyami stayed near the lights, and Koda played a song in the corner. Midoriya was the only one missing.

Marmalade and sugar songs, peanuts and a bitter step

That girl from earlier started dancing all by herself, a serene smile on her face as she bounced with each step. The girl grinned at Aizawa, waving her hand for him to join her. Aizawa was frozen, a glass wall keeping him from her dance.

Too sickly sweet and bitter, sends my head into a spin

Clouds formed on the ground, and the girl reached down to grip one of the fluffy white clouds. She threw it into the air, spinning around as the mist fell back down, giggling like the clouds tickled her.

Come along and dance with me, party till we loose it all

A hand reached out from the clouds, the face of a young teenager with a bandaid across his nose grabbing the girl's hand to spin her around, the male laughing. He raised his hands, more clouds floating into the sky.

And this will be a night to make a mark upon the world, yeah, this is it! I feel like I'll never look back and never let go!

The girl and guy were soon joined by an older woman in a heroes costume, who floated barely above the ground, spinning around. A man with lanky arms and glasses appeared, his thin body joining in on the dancing. A green haired woman laughed as she bounced, the shortest one of them all.

Marmalade and sugar songs, peanuts and a bitter step

Aizawa was tugged back into reality, where his students gripped his arm, forcing him into their wild dancing.

To sickly sweet and bitter, sends my head into a spin

Eri and Shinsou gripped both his arms, spinning him around with their combined strength. Aizawa let it happen, his confused expression melting into laugher, like the people all around him.

Come along and dance with me, party till we loose it all

Midoriya danced with Aizawa on the rooftop, his green curls bouncing while his smile made him seem several years younger, like the world wasn't weighing him down with traumatic experiences. Aizawa raised an eyebrow, wondering how Midoriya actually felt.

And this will be a night to make a mark upon the world

Midoriya's body turned into paper, and Aizawa saw different names on the surface. Bakugo, Togata, Yaoyorozu, Asui, Kamanari, and Jirou each caught one, their eyes filling with tears while Aizawa also touched one, the paper's words sending him spiraling. Aizawa landed to see his entire class, plus Shinsou, the Big Three, and Eri getting into formation for a picture.

Yeah, this is it, I feel like I'll never look back and never let go

Yeah, I feel like I'll never look back and never let go

Aizawa was pulled into a spot, all the kids squirming close to him before a bright light filled their vision, and Aizawa was left alone with a portrait in his hands. Aizawa smiled as his finger brushed against the frame, the words "Dad!" written across the surface.

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