Who Are You!!?

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You know what they say about the story of Cinderella, a mistreated girl who lives with her wicked step-mother and two evil step-sisters. Then one day, it all changes when the prince decides to throw a ball to find his true love. But Cinderella's step-mom won't allow her to go. And you ask, if you've never heard this story, 'how does it change again?' It changes because Cinderella's fairy godmother comes to the rescue and turns Cinderella's rat friends into horses and a pumpkin into a carriage and gives her a beautiful gown.

When she arrives at the ball, she's every girl's envy and every guy's dream...mostly the prince's. But by midnight Cinderella flees, leaving behind a glass slipper.

The next day, the prince makes every woman try on the glass slipper and he nearly gives up when no one is able to fit it. Suddenly, a young lady, dressed in rags, comes and tries the glass slipper...which fits.

After that they lived happily ever after...

Hold up! That's so not how it happened! I'll tell you the real version of 'Cinderella'

It was a calm afternoon, the scorching sun pounded down on the quiet neighborhood. Houses, two stories tall and who knows how many acres wide were seated pretty decently away from one another. But this story takes place at the vanilla colored home, surrounded by ebony bars, as tall as the oak tree that stood a good few feet away from the gates.

There, a girl lived; she had Platinum hair . She sighed as she looked out of her bedroom window; she spotted something...or someone. She smirked. She opened her bedroom window and yelled at the top of her lungs, "LISA! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! I NEED HELP!"

Lisa who was minding her own business suddenly leaped up into the air as she heard someone yell at her. She looked around frantically, and when she looked up she saw her step-sister Rosé smirking at her. Lisa raised an eyebrow and yelled, "WHAT?!"

Rosé crossed her arms and yelled back, "I SAID TO GET YOUR ASS UP HERE! I NEED HELP!"

Lisa sighed but made her way up towards her anyway.

"What do you need Ro ?" Rosé smiled and dragged Lisa to the closet, "I need to pick the perfect outfit, but I can't decide." Lisa sighed. Rosé was always like this, but she didn't mind. Rosé was really nice, kind of bossy, but what do you expect?

Lisa's dad married Rosé's mom, but Lisa's dad passed away a few months ago. He was very nice. Rosé's mom wasn't so bad; she had the same attitude as her daughter...very bossy. But there's nothing you could do about it. Rosé also had another sister, her name is Yeri. Now, that's what you call a Bi-atch!

It was bad that Ro couldn't stand her twin sister, but they look nothing alike, and for Lisa , let's just say...things aren't pretty.

"Ummm...okay. But why do you need a 'perfect' outfit?" Lisa turned to Rosé who sighed dreamily, "Because..." But she left it at that. Lisa nodded her head indicating for Rosé to continue but she didn't. "Ro?"


"You left off at 'because' and never finished."

"Oh..." Rosé looked at Lisa and blushed. "Well, remember that new guy at school?" Lisa stared at Hilary for a minute and then shook her head. "No." Rosé's smile dropped. "What?! He's in our class!" Lisa thought about it but shook her head again. "What's his name?" Rosé placed her hands on her hips and replied in a scolding manner. "Jeon jungkook" Lisa bit her bottom lip. "No...doesn't ring a bell." Rosé sighed in a defeated manner.

"Whatever! Just help me pick out an outfit."


"Because I'm going to the mall!"

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