The Truth

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The peaceful quiet neighborhood of Nightingale Road…is not so quiet anymore!

"Yeri! You imbecile! What in the world were you thinking?!"

"I was thinking of boosting my popularity, but you wouldn't understand!"

"Whatever! At least I have brains!"

"At least I have dates!"

Back and fourth, if neither of them were holding any silverware they would be at each others throats. Yeri, of course, had planned a summer party and invited the whole school! And Lisa being the loving sister that she is was dragged into helping her out! The party would begin in less than an hour and Yeri, being Yeri, had completely forgotten that today was the party and decided to sleep in…let's say, an extra four hours.

Lisa glowered at Yeri as she called the Chinese restaurant, known for their speedy delivery. And Yeri sneered as she set up the tables. Rosé looked at the two as she continued to make the punch. They were something. If it was legal to murder, she knew that the both of them would get to it right away.

Rosé let out a sigh, as the two teens began yelling insults at each other. If she could, she would go over to Jungkook's and just sit there…even though they were in another argument. But she couldn't blame him, he was right. She wasn't who he thought she was. He had asked her why she seemed so much different from the person he had spent nights chatting with. Rosé knew the reason, of course, but she didn't have the heart to tell him; to tell him that it was her step-sister he had conversations with, that he had grown to like…she just couldn't.

Rosé looked up at Lisa; a scowl adorned her face as she mimicked Yeri's complaints. Rosé let out a chuckle; it would be a sight to see her with Jungkook, especially with the fact that she couldn't remember his name…

 Rosé let out a chuckle; it would be a sight to see her with Jungkook, especially with the fact that she couldn't remember his name…

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They had done it. Everything was perfect. Lisa stood over her amazing work of art. The food was displayed on the beautiful table. Lisa was too busy admiring her work that she didn't notice the hoards of people come her way, until she was pushed, shoved, and pushed some more.

Finally escaping the masses, Lisa made her way up towards her bedroom, there she would just relax. Ding. Lisa's IM had popped up.

The Unknown: You there?

MyLifeisHell: Yeah. I thought you were going to the party?

The Unknown: I am…but I'm not in a rush…you?

Lisa bit her lip. She was already there, but he doesn't know that.

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