They Lived Happily Ever After...NOT!

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A week had gone by after Yeri's wonderful summer bash; which wasn't so wonderful because mother dear arrived home a lot earlier than expected.

Mother stood arms crossed glaring holes at her three daughters as they did extra chores. Her business trip had been cancelled so she decided to fly home right away and boy! She was glad she did. Upon reaching her home, she spotted the mass of teenagers outside her lawn pissed drunk, some trying to set a world record by seeing how far they could stick their tongues down each other's throats. Oh boy! Someone was in trouble. And entering her house was just as bad, antiques broken, stains on carpets...she was angry.

So for punishment, she gave them extra chores. And she was going to watch them do it. Shows them not to think of partying while she's away. And having alcohol! They were underage for crying out loud! She was deeply disappointed, especially Rosé, unbelievable. Yeri she didn't have a hard time imagining and Lisa...let's just say, the way her mind works, and she wouldn't be surprised if she planned the party just to see if she could get away with it. Unbelievable. She was so appalled!

Lisa glared murderously at Yeri from her spot on the living room floor, scrubbing out the stains from the punch.

Rosé sighed, this was not cool. Their house was massive! How in the world was she supposed to clean it all! Shouldn't this be Yeri's job?! No. Rosé sighed at least it beats the toilets...they had plenty of those.

Yeri whined and complained and even cried as she scrubbed the toilet. The occasional 'shut up' from Lisa could be heard or 'if mom wasn't here I'd kill you!' which would be replaced by 'I was just kidding mom!'

But other than that, life was good. A few days after the party, Jungkook and Lisa decided to try dating. And let's was pretty interesting. They acted more like married couples, fighting over nonsense and then making up again, rather than two people in a basic girl/boy relationship. But unlike Rosé's and Jungkook's arguments, it's not about who the 'person' is it's more about remembering who is the 'person' which Lisa can't seem to get down. It was like a curse. But again, they alternated, well, Lisa would just look at Jungkook like he needed to go down on his knees and kiss her shoe to get her forgiveness and when it almost comes to that, they go their separate ways. But the next day, they're all happy...But who could blame them? They somehow completed each other; it was like a moth circling a candle, it won't go near the flame but it wouldn't leave it either.

Rosé had gotten another boyfriend. It seemed the 'lazy pig of the class', a.k.a Jimin, had a secret crush on her and decided to let it all out at the party while he was pissed drunk. Heck he even sang out his confession which didn't sound too pleasant.

BamBam hadn't remembered what happened during the party and was completely shocked and nearly wetted his pants when Lisa confronted him about 'keeping secrets' and that she didn't 'mind that he was gay' but was thoroughly disappointed at him for keeping it from her. While BamBam tried to convince his friend it was a lie. Jungkook stood by the sidelines smirking at his best friend's misfortune.

Life was pretty good. Not perfect, but good.

But, let's take a peek at our 'couple'.

But, let's take a peek at our 'couple'

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