Not Yet Over

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The students were chatting away happily, except for one. Rosé walked, as if being controlled, towards the courtyard, sweat sliding down her forehead. She was already sweating and she wasn't even ten feet from her goal, plus, the blazing heat wasn't making matters better. Left. Right. Rosé muttered under her breath, she was taking baby steps to give her time as she contemplated whether she should go through with this. The court yard came into view and she could see Jungkook leaning on the tree in the center of the yard, eyes closed, arms crossed…he was so gorgeous. Rosé stopped, her breathing became haggard; she still had a chance to run out of there…oh! Too late, she had been spotted. Jungkook looked straight at her as he began to approach. There was one thought running through her mind as she stared at Jungkook: Where was Lisa?!

Lisa sat underneath the Pine tree, as always, her nose in her newest book, Heart of Darkness; but was rudely interrupted by a 'cough'

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Lisa sat underneath the Pine tree, as always, her nose in her newest book, Heart of Darkness; but was rudely interrupted by a 'cough'. Lisa looked up and raised a brow at her wonderful step-sister, Yeri.

Yeri glared at Lisa.

"What did you do?"

Lisa gave her a questioning look. What in the world was Yeri talking about? She hadn't done anything the whole day or like any other day except mind her own business. She was always hanging out by herself, not unless you include the books that she always had. Lisa just stared blankly up at Yeri, thinking she must have hit her head or fallen down the stairs because she tripped over her high heels.

When Lisa didn't bother to respond, Yeri's glare intensified and she clenched her fist, her lips pursed into a thin line.

"You hooked Jungkook and Rosé up! That's not fair!" Yeri stomped her foot to prove her point. Lisa couldn't help but stare stupefied by her action. What was she, four?

"Yeri, I have no idea of what you're talking about."

"Yes you do! I liked Jungkook! It's not fair that Rosé gets him."

"Oh. So, they're an item now?"

"Yes! Why do you think I came over here?! Break them up!"

Again, Lisa just stared; Yeri was such a spoiled brat. After a while, Lisa sighed and went back to reading while replying with a firm 'no.'

"So you did help her!"

No words escaped Lisa's mouth as she stared dumbfounded at Yeri. She didn't understand how in the world Rosé and she were related and being twins! They were nothing alike, looks and brains.

"That's cheating! You can't help Rosé get the hottest boyfriend on the planet! That's just cruel!"

"What is your problem?"

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