I Did It!

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~~Meg's POV~~

I had done it! The audiences loved me.

"Meg, do you realize what you've done?!" Sam said.

"They loved you, Meg, they loved you! And they should because that was better than what any of us would have done" said Calvin.

"You're awesome, sis!" said Charles Wallace.

The Beatles took us back to their apartment where Paul lay asleep.

I patted his chest to wake him.

"Honey..." I whispered.

Paul woke up and smiled at the sight of my face.

"The audience loved me, Paul. But from now on, I'll be here to help you" I said.

"Meg, my love. Come here" said Paul.

He sat up and allowed me to sit on his lap.

"You okay?" I said.

"Well... ever since I met you, I've been thinking about this. You've taken such good care of me and Misty would be so happy that you cared for me so much" said Paul.

"I think so too, sweetie" I said.

"Meg, I realized that Misty... wouldn't want me to mourn her forever. She'd want me to be happy. Live. Find someone who loves me the way she did." said Paul.

"And I think you have. Before I met you, I never loved anyone. And now I know what love is like. I really really love you" I said.

Paul embraced me tightly.

"Wow, Macca. This is the most mature you've acted since Misty died" said John.

"I have evolved, Lennon. After all, I was helped by a wonderful girl" said Paul.

"Hey. You kids were a big help. We'd like to make you honorary members of our group" said Ringo.

"Of course!" Sam said.

"We have blown our parents out so we'd be glad to stay with you Beatles" said Calvin.

"What he said" said Charles Wallace.

And so we stayed with the Beatles. 

And we stayed together.

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