~Are You Afraid?~

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Jake leaned in and kissed her.

Frank saw the whole thing happen.

Y/N pulled away quickly.

"I'm sorry it's just-" Y/N apologized. She got pulled back by a large hand around her waist. She recognized the hand. The coldness of the rings pressed against her. The long fingers held onto her tightly. The scent of a familiar cologne hit her.


"You know just because I said I would help you doesn't mean that I can't kill you right now Bressler." Frank said as he stared right at Jake.

Jake looked back at Frank in fear. Y/N's attention went to Frank's bruised knuckles that had gotten worse.

"I-I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know what came over me." Jake said as he looked at the ground, horrified over his actions.

Y/N felt a tinge of guilt rush over her.

"You're sorry? Pathetic. You have three seconds to leave before I put five bullets in your head." Frank stood over Jake who was trembling with fear. Jake ran out with his skateboard.

"A bit harsh, don't you think?" Y/N frowned but was a little thankful that Frank came just in time.

"I never liked that kid anyway." Frank grabbed her hand and led her outside and into the car.
They got back to the Franklin Mansion. Y/N went straight back into Frank's room and threw herself on the bed, drifting asleep.

A loud knock woke her up in the middle of the night.

"Yeah?" Y/N said groggily.

Frank walked into the room looking like a mess.

His hair was messy, his tie was undone, his shirt was unbuttoned, and he had red marks all over him.

"Oh my god, what happened?" Y/N quickly stood up.

Frank ignored her and walked past her. He plopped down on the bed and groaned.

Y/N stood over him. She noticed that the bruises on his knuckles were still there.

"You never told me why your kn-" Y/N stopped mid-sentence.

A large, red gash was on his chest. Y/N softly touched it. Frank winced in pain.

"Frank, what happened?" Y/N scooted him to the middle of the bed and sat down right next to him.

"That asshole is what happened." Frank groaned again.

"I'm confused on which asshole you're talking about. I know for a fact that Jake physically could not have done that." Y/N pointed to the gash.

"It was that hit-man that Dimitri hired." Frank shut his eyes tight.

"Let me help you." Y/N grabbed her backpack.

"It's fine. I don't want your little med-kits."

Y/N pulled out rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, and bandages.

"Why do you have this in your backpack?" Frank tried to get up and groaned in pain.

"Jake and Fresh are idiots so I have to keep all of this in my backpack." Y/N said.

She took off his shirt and traced the gash making him groan softly. He had slight muscles and broad shoulders.

"You know I can help myself-" Frank got interupted by Y/N running alcohol on his gash.

He yelped loudly, his jaw clenching. His breathing paced faster.

Y/N continued cleaning the wound.

"Holy shit. How'd you even get this wound?" Y/N leaned in closer.

"That motherfucker cut me." Frank said under his breath.

Y/N sighed and put the bandage on the wound and pressed on it.

Frank flinched.

"Good we're done now." Frank got up bY/N pulled him back down.

"Your knuckles are still bruised." Y/N looked up at Frank's hand.

"It's fine." Frank tried to pull away.

"No it's not Frank." Y/N pulled him back down on the bed.

Frank gave in and sat down close beside her.

Y/N cleaned his knuckles with the alcohol making him moan slightly.

She did the same to his other hand and wrapped his hands with the bandages.

An awkward silence rose.

Their faces were oddly close.

"I'm done." Y/N got up quickly and grabbed her backpack. Frank followed her with his eyes.

"Thanks." Frank said quietly.

"Anytime." Y/N put the stuff back in her backpack.

Frank put his shirt and tie back on and left the room, closing the door softly.

Y/N exhaled loudly and laid down on the bed. She could smell Frank's cologne on the sheets.

Y/N looked at the time. 1:34 am.

Y/N grumbled and rolled over onto her stomach, her face buried in the pillows.

Y/N couldn't fall back asleep. The thought of Frank almost getting killed lingered in her mind.

Y/N got out of the bed quickly and opened the door. The coldness of the house hit her.

She walked over to Frank's office. The door was wide open. Y/N saw Frank at his desk, his head was lifted up.

Y/N knocked on the door making Frank jolt.

"Sorry I didn't mean to bother you." Y/N said quietly.

"It's fine, come in. Close the door too." Frank got out of his chair.

Y/N closed the door and leaned against it.

"I don't mean to be nosy but what happened?" Y/N looked at Frank who looked startled.

"Nothing." Frank answered quickly.

"Really? You're stuck with me now so you might as well tell me." Y/N walked up closer to him.

"It's not something you should be worried about." Frank leaned on his messy desk.

"I'm not worried." Y/N scoffed and turned to leave.

Frank raised his eyebrows.

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest.

"Are you afraid?" Frank's head hung over Y/N's shoulder, his cold breath running down her neck.

"No." Y/N said quickly.

"Liar." Frank hissed.

Y/N felt chills run down her spine.

"I'm not afraid anymore." Y/N sucked in her stomach and tilted her head up slightly.

"You will be. You act brave now but you'll have regrets." Frank held her tighter.

"What do you mean?" Y/N lost her breath.

"You don't know what lies ahead of you."

Update: No, Frank did not moan in pleasure, he moaned in pain 💀

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