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Your P.O.V
Y: where am I
T: the Avengers facility
Y: the what!?!?!?
T: calm down we are the good guys and for sure will not hurt you
Y: ok then why am I here
T: we don't know for sure what they put into your system so we are going to run some test don't worry we will just need some blood
Then this guy walked in wearing glasses
?: hi I'm Bruse
Y: hi I am guessing you know who I am
B: yeah...so I am just going to draw some blo..
Peter just barges into the room
P: oh my god are you ok
Y: I'm fine Peter
P: are you sure
Y: yeah just have this sharp pain going through my entire body
Bruse puts the needle in my vain to get the blood
P: that's the opposite of ok
Y: well other than that I feel fine
P: you better be or I am going to kill who ever did this to you
T: well first of all I killed that guy and second you guys are so cute together
My face turned a light pink and so did Peters
B: ok I have all I need I will be in the lab if you need me Tony
T: ok I will meet you down there I just have to talk to Peter
Peter got up and they walked outside the room

Peters P.O.V
I walked outside the room with Tony when we stopped and he just starred at me for a few minutes
T: ok so here is the thing....you can tell her your Spiderman but you have to make sure she does not tell anyone
P: yes sir
T: ok go back in there I have to go see what to do about her living situation
I walked back into the room and y/n just starred at me while I walked over to the bed she was in
Y: so how did I get here
P: oh see when I went into your apartment after I guess hydra took you and saw everything that was happening then remembered I put a tracker on you when you said good bye at the door....then I came here to tell Mr. Stark what happened and he figured out a way to get you out of that place but I guess they still did something to you
Y: ok another question.....tracker???
P: oh yeah see I am kinda a superhero so I put one of my trackers on you so that I could make sure you were safe
Y: what?!?!
P: I....
Y: am Spiderman?
P: how did you know
Y: well it's obvious
P: you have only known me for a day
Y: exactly
P: well just don't tell anyone except for Ned he already knows
Y: how?
P: it's a long story
Y: um ok
Tony then just barged in
T: we have a problem
Y: what problem
T: follow me
I got up but kind of fell down a little but Peter caught me. Must be some spider thing maybe. He helped me to the lab and when we got there Bruse was just starring at he computer screen
B: oh hey ok so I just want to see something...Peter can you let go of y/n for me
Peter let go of me and I got my balance
B: ok now just think about...going to a different place...does that make sense
Y: umm kinda...ok
Ok so all I have to do is think about not being here. Ok I am thinking and thinking about the other side of the door and next thing I know I am on the other side of the door. I can hear Peter freaking out so I open the door
Y: what.just.happened
They all turn to me with wide eyes
B: ok just what I was thinking see if you think about going somewhere you will be there. When I looked through your blood I saw that you got some powers from the tests they did on you. The ones I know of are teleportation and invisibility
Y: ok so I know how to teleport but how do I turn invisible
T: I have an idea what if you just thought about being invisible....
He kept on talking but I was not really listening. I was thinking about being invisible just thinking and thinking till I think I was because tony like stopped talking in the middle of a sentence
T: where did she go
P: don't ask me
B: she did it
I walked over to the table and knocked over a cup full of pencils
T: ok she is in this room
P: or is she dun dun dunnnn
I laughed a little
T: seriously Peter
P: what y/n thought it was funny
I walk over to Tony and whisper in his ear
Y: he has a point
T: what the fuck y/n
Y: sorry I thought it would be funny
P: where even are you
Y: um right next to you
He jumped a little
Y: can someone help me not be invisible or am I going to have to stay like this for ever
B: oh right well I think your powers just work with your brain so all you have to do is think about it
Ok so think think think. I think I am back to normal because Peter hugs me and I hug him
P: you did it
Y: I did
Tony coughs behind us
T: ok so this is beautiful but I need to get back to work on something...important
I was walking out when I hear something
T: ok know where is the adoption stuff
Y: what did you say Tony
T: I didn't say anything......

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