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Your P.O.V
Y: what is that
P: I don't know let's go see
We walked out side and saw a lot of people dancing and having fun. I look around and try to find Tony or any avenger. I see Steve and some other dude taking on the balcony looking at everyone I quickly teleport over to them leaving Peter down there and he looks mad
S: oh my god y/n why
Y: sorry I was just wondering what is happening
S: oh right Tony forgot to tell you that he moved the party to today
Y: oh ok
S: oh right y/n this is Sam my friend
Y: hi Sam well I should go find Peter kind of left him down there
Sa: ok bye nice to meet you
I teleported right where I was and Peter was still there
P: how dare you leave me here
Y: sorry I just needed an answer and now I have one
P: ok and?
Y: oh yeah sorry I forgot I should tell you
PT: no duh sometimes you have to tell your boyfriend stuff
Y: I'm sorry ok just calm down
P: I forgot you can read minds
Y: yeah now Tony moved his party up today
P: oh ok
Y: now let's go find Nat
I start to drag Peter to find Nat
P: ok ok I'm coming you don't have to drag me
Y: I know it's just your so slow
P: whatever.....she is at the bar
We walk over to her and she started talking to us
N: oh hey I thought you didn't want to come to the party
Y: it's hard to say no when your room is right next to the main room so also Peter said he would come
She had a smirk on our face
N: oh ok
I see Bruse going over to us
NT: I really like that guy
I start talking to Peter through his mind
YT: let's go
PT: why
YT: just do it
Y: well we have to go
N: ok bye
We walked away but I could hear the start of their conversation
B: how did a girl like you end up in a place like this
N: fella done me wrong
That's all I heard then I had gotten too far even for super hearing
Y: oh right I forgot to tell you I also have super hearing
P: WHAT!!! That's so cool
Y: I know right it's great
After a lot of dancing and having fun people were starting to leave. Now it was just us, the avengers, Sam, the Dr.Cho, and agent Hill. Thor's hammer was sitting on the table and everyone was talking when all of a sudden Clint starts to talk
C: come on it's a trick...who ever be worthy shall have the power
Th: well Clint try
Clint got up and walked over to the hammer
T: don't worry Clint we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up you have had a long week
Clint turns to Thor
C: you have seen this before
Thor just nods his head. Clint try's to lift it up but he could not get it up
T: do you sense the silent judgment
C: Tony by all means
Saying that he points to hammer and Tony gets up and walks over to it while unbuttoning his shirt. He try's to pick it up but can't
T: I'll be right back
He leaves and comes back with one of his iron hands and try's to pick it up but can't so Rodey try's to pick it up with him but can't. Then Bruse try's and can't. Then Steve try's and it moves a little bit and Thor's face almost turns white. But then he try's again and it stays put
Th: ha nothing
Steve goes and sits back down. Then everyone turns to Nat
C: Nat
N: no that's not a question I need answered
T: y/n.....

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