what does greece think of you

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Requested by: CountryHumanz_Wolfi
Greece isn't a very nice person :(
*swear warning??*

♈️Aries- I wanna stab them :(

♉️Taurus- ugly whore grrr

♊️Gemini- two faced Bitch

♋️Cancer- ehh they Ight

♌️Leo- fucking petty clown 🤦‍♀️

♍️Virgo- I kinda wanna.. you know.. Fuck them.. 🥺👉👌

♎️Libra- we're good friends I guess 💅

♏️Scorpio- I've never met them but People tell me their an asshole and a S l u t

♐️Sagittarius- their too honest >:(

♑️Capricorn- whiny bitch

♒️Aquarius- fake ass hoe

♓️Pieces- fucking a loser

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